


  • The cook was dressing some fowls for the viscount 's dinner .

    当时厨子正在 宰杀家禽为 子爵做晚饭。

  • Viscount Bagwig our excellent ambassador paid her marked attention .

    我们尊贵的大使巴格威格 子爵对她另眼相看。

  • Meanwhile there are two absentees the Viscount and the imagination inspired by the romantic fictions which develop and retard the plot as the intervening factors of the text .


  • Antagonism Absurdity and Rescuing : an Analysis of The Viscount Divided into Two in Structuralism and Existentialism

    对立、荒诞、拯救: 分成 两半 子爵 的结构主义解读

  • Viscount Linley was present at the ball as was his wife .

    林利 子爵出席了舞会,他的夫人也到场了。

  • The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl 's cause .

    德埃皮努瓦 子爵是最早收养这个野女孩的权贵之一。

  • A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right .

    本人拥有 子爵权利的女子

  • ( British ) a nobleman ( duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron ) who is a member of the British peerage .

    (英国)一个英国贵族阶级的成员(公爵、侯爵、伯爵、 子爵或男爵)。

  • They rub shoulders in the magazine with other best dressed couples such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and Viscount and Viscountess Linley .

    他们与布拉德·皮特和安吉莉娜·茱丽、黛米·摩尔和阿什顿·库切尔以及林莉 子爵及子爵夫人等夫妇共同登上《名利场》杂志的“最佳穿着排行榜”。

  • A British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis corresponding to a count in continental Europe .

    伯爵英国一种贵族,根据欧洲 传统 规定,其头衔高于 子爵低于侯爵。

  • Margarita Armstrong-Jones daughter of Viscount Linley who is son of Queen Elizabeth 's late sister Margaret Grace van Cutsem William 's goddaughter and Eliza Lopes are the three other bridesmaids .

    另外三位小女傧相分别是林利 子爵的女儿玛格丽塔•阿姆斯特朗-琼斯、威廉王子的教女格蕾丝·范·卡特森、以及伊莱扎•葛培兹。林利 子爵的母亲是伊丽莎白女王已故的妹妹玛格丽特。

  • The domain controlled by a viscount or viscountess .


  • The third estate of the realm : the nobility ( especially British nobility ) of the rank of duke or marquess or earl or viscount or baron .

    社会的第二等级;公爵、侯爵、伯爵、 子爵、男爵等级的贵族(尤指英国贵族)。

  • How did the Viscount Albert fall into luigi 's hands ?

    “阿尔贝 子爵是怎么落到罗吉手里的?”

  • Most likely Viscount and Electra aircraft which were in the area .

    最有可能 子爵和恋父飞机是在该地区。

  • Your excellency is the travelling companion of the viscount ?

    “大人是 子爵的同伴吗?”

  • Cinderella 's Crystal Shoes and the Viscount 's Satin Cigarette Case & On Cinderella Complex and the Tragedy of Emma

    辛德瑞拉的水晶鞋与 子爵的缎烟盒&也说灰姑娘情结与爱玛的悲剧

  • Viscount Palmerston is elected to Parliament three years after entering St John 's beginning a distinguished lifetime 's career in Government much of it as an MP for the University .

    在进入圣约翰学院三年以后,帕麦斯顿 子爵被选为议员开始了卓越的公职生涯。

  • The viscount disembarked its passagers at the airport .


  • Take these flowers into the anteroom or dressing-room said the viscount ;

    “把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,” 子爵说。

  • Until last year he was married to Eliza Pearson the 24-year-old daughter of Viscount Cowdray .

    直到去年他还和伊丽莎•皮尔森结婚的,Cowdray 子爵的24岁女儿。

  • Your excellency he said the master of the hotel de Londres has sent to let you know that a man is waiting for you with a letter from the Viscount of morcerf .

    “大人,”他说道,“伦敦旅馆的老板派人来禀告您,说有一个给马尔塞夫 子爵送信的人在那儿等您。”

  • Both Robert Stewart Viscount Castlereagh and George Canning avoided serious injury although the latter suffered a flesh wound .

    卡斯尔雷子 罗伯特·斯图亚特和乔治·坎宁免于身受重伤,不过是坎宁略有轻伤。

  • Mr Rice 46 a trained designer was then a partner in Viscount Lindley 's furniture business Lindley Co. He joined his wife 's company as chief designer in 1991 .

    现年46岁的赖斯是一名受过培训的设计师,他当时是林德利 子爵ViscountLindley)旗下家具公司LindleyCo的合伙人。1991年,他以首席设计师的身份加入妻子的公司。

  • Indeed we are well aware of this viscount .

    事实上,我们都清楚这一点, 子爵 大人