viscous damping

[ˈvɪskəs ˈdæmpɪŋ][ˈvɪskəs ˈdæmpiŋ]


  • The viscous damping of soil remarkably reduces the maximum value of the acceleration response on the ground surface ;

    土中的 粘性 阻尼对降低地表加速度反应最大值有着明显的作用。

  • This paper analyses structural damping and viscous damping of multispan heat exchanger tube in .

    本文对多跨换热器传热管在静水中的结构阻尼与 粘滞 阻尼作了分析。通过求解带N&1个同心支承板的管子 运动 方程,导出 计算 挤压 阻尼的公式。

  • Numerical Simulation of Air Spring Shock Based on Control Volume Method and Equivalent Viscous Damping Method

    基于控制体积法及等效 粘性 阻尼法的空气弹簧冲击数值仿真

  • In practice there is a sort of vibration systems need decreasing its vibration which contains both the coulomb and viscous damping .

    实际工程中有许多同时含有 粘滞阻尼和干摩擦 阻尼的振动系统需要对其进行振动控制,以减少因此带来的 结构 损伤

  • This paper presents a new free-interface method of component mode synthesis for linear systems with arbitrary viscous damping .

    本文对任意 粘性 阻尼系统提出一种新的自由界面部件模态综合方法。

  • In addition the relationships among the parameters of them and the viscous damping theory commonly used are given .

    此外给出了它们和常用 粘性 阻尼理论的参数之间的关系式。

  • This paper starts at the state equations of vibration system with viscous damping applies the complex modal theory to present a method for physical parameter identification of a vibration system in time and frequency domains .

    本文从 粘性阻尼系统的状态方程出发,应用复模态理论,提出了一种在时域和频域中识别振动系统的物理参数的方法。

  • A new method for setting up the dynamic model of metal-rubber materials was proposed by using the equivalent viscous damping theory .

    提出了用等效 粘性 阻尼理论和试验相结合,建立金属橡胶材料动态力学模型的一种新方法。

  • An equivalent linear viscous damping formula for the elastic beams with rather general dry friction support conditions is proposed .

    本文提出了带有干摩擦的多支承弹性梁的当量线性 粘性 阻尼 的一般公式。

  • Reduction of the spool moving mass and viscous damping coefficient minifies the phase offset between the spool and the piston movements and leads to the increase of system volumetric efficiency .

    减小阀组的阀芯质量和 黏性 阻尼系数可减小阀芯运动与活塞运动之间的相位差,提高系统容积效率;

  • The damping provided by the ER damper has the properties of both the Coulomb damping and the viscous damping .

    非线性电阻分布特性阻燃性增强热塑性塑料电流变阻尼器提供的阻尼具有库仑阻尼和 粘性 阻尼的特点。

  • The elastic hysteresis model and the viscous damping hysteresis model were used for laminated rubber bearing ;

    即叠层橡胶支座采用弹性恢复力模型和 粘滞 阻尼恢复力模型;

  • This paper is concerned with vibration problem of linear systems with viscous damping .

    本文讨论 粘性 阻尼线性系统的振动问题。

  • In this paper a-method using the complex modal theory to identify physical parameters of system with viscous damping is discussed . A procedure is present to calculate the mass clamping and stiffness matrices from the measured data in time and frequency domains .

    本文论述了在状态空间中应用复模态理论对 粘性 阻尼系统的物理参数进行识别的一种方法,提出了从测得的时域、频域数据计算质量、阻尼和刚度矩阵的一个过程。

  • The equivalent linear viscous damping system for the viscoelastic fractional derivative model is discussed here .

    为简化计算,讨论了粘弹性分数阶导数模型的等效线性 粘性 阻尼系统。

  • Seismic Response Control of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge with Viscous Dampers The viscous damping wall is a type of energy dissipation device for building structures .

    自锚式悬索桥的粘滞阻尼器减震控制 粘滞 阻尼墙是一种性能良好的消能减震部件。

  • In addition to the well-known viscous damping force the proposed force model includes the Coulomb damping force which accounts for the effect of water soakage on materials of cable surface .

    利用浸润学及普朗特边界层理论,提出拉索表面与水线之间作用力包括库仑阻尼力和 粘性 阻尼力。

  • In this paper the frictional resistance to dissipate energy is used to substitute the viscous damping for TMD system .

    本文在被动调谐质量阻尼器系统中采用摩擦耗散能量,以替代 粘滞 阻尼

  • Study on viscous damping is critical for the design of silicon micromechanical vibratory gyroscopes .

    粘滞 阻尼的研究对硅微机械振动陀螺仪的设计至关重要。

  • Low mass high structural stiffness and friction free viscous damping give excellent dynamic performance characteristics .

    低质量,高刚度和摩擦 阻尼特性提供优良的动态性能无 粘性

  • The effect of viscous damping force on the vibration of composite laminates was investigated through numerical examples .

    通过数值实例研究了 粘滞 阻尼对复合材料层合板振动的影响。

  • Research on the calculation method for dynamic stiffness and viscous damping of rubber isolators on vibratory roller

    振动压路机橡胶减振器动刚度及 黏性 阻尼计算方法研究

  • The viscous damping wall is a type of energy dissipation device for building structures .

    粘滞 阻尼墙是一种性能良好的消能减震部件。

  • Dynamic Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Including Viscous Damping by BEM

    用边界元法分析 粘滞 阻尼在土-结构动力耦合中的效应

  • The rubber-tired radial model composed of linear spring and viscous damping can simulate the wheel-rail radial viscoelastic contact .

    由线性弹簧和 粘性 阻尼组成的橡胶轮径向模型,能很好地模拟轮轨径向粘弹性接触。

  • In view of this situation some researches are made on nonlinear viscous damping in this thesis .

    本文 计算系泊 船舶 运动 响应时,也考虑了 船舶受到的非线性 粘性 阻尼,并对其做了一定的研究分析。

  • The study also goes to the influence upon stress waves of the piles relaxation time the equivalent viscous damping coefficient of soil around the pile and the unit rigidity of soil below the pile .

    同时,分析了桩身驰豫时间、桩侧土的等效 粘滞 阻尼系数、桩底土的单位刚度等因素对应力波的影响。

  • There are three classes offriction : dry greasy and viscous . the bi-linear coulomb damping hysteresis model and the viscous damping hysteresis model were used for sliding friction isolating bearing .

    有三种摩擦状态:干摩擦、滑动摩擦和粘性摩擦。滑板摩擦隔震支座采用双线性库仑摩擦阻尼恢复力模型和 粘滞 阻尼恢复力模型。