vision signal

[ˈvɪʒən ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈviʒən ˈsiɡnəl]

[计] 视觉信号,视频信号

  • Clearly It excelled some similar filters in terms of image vision effects the peak signal to noise ratio the mean square errors after using LLMF by experiments .

    从实验结果可见,使用LLMF滤波器,图像的 视觉效果、峰值 噪比、均方误差均优于同类混合滤波器。

  • As a novel and rising subject in computer vision Video tracking includes many areas such as signal and video processing communication and computer vision .

    视频目标跟踪作为在计算机 视觉 领域一个最新兴起的应用方向和广泛关注的前沿课题。它涉及到 信号与图像处理、通信、计算机视觉等多个学科的研究领域。

  • Video horizontal line format vision and sound signal processing

    图象信号行编码结构 图像和伴音 信号处理

  • The abstraction of the vision information is a complex process that involves signal processing image analysis and physiology .

    视觉信息的提取过程是一个涉及 信号处理、图象分析和生理等领域的复杂过程。

  • Author proposed a new aphasia feedback treatment method that utilized biofeedback including vision hearing and psycho-activity promotion based on speech signal processing and computer multi-media technology .

    提出了应用语音 信号处理及计算机多媒体技术,强化生物反馈( 视觉反馈、听觉反馈以及心理激励)提高失语症康复治疗效果的新方法。

  • This experiment adopts two kinds of practical method ( namely vision signal feedback and hearing signal feedback ) and finds it be better way to increase the accuracy of physical college students ' kickball of long pass .

    采用两种练习方法(即 视觉 信号反馈和听觉信号反馈)进行实验,并且从中找出能够提高体育院校普修课学生长传踢球准确性的相对较好的方法。

  • In Human Vision System the optical signal is separated to brightness and chroma information and they are processing differently . It is an important quality of Human Vision System .

    人类 视觉系统把到达人眼的光学 信号分离为亮度和色度信息,并对它们做不同的处理,这是人类视觉系统的一个重要性质。

  • It is reliable and nondestructive to use machine vision and digital image processing technology . The digital signal processors and technology are powerful on image processing .

    利用机器 视觉及图像处理技术进行 检测是一种可靠的、无损检测方法,而 DSP器件及其技术在图像处理算法上具有相当优势。

  • Image is the mainly carrier for information more than 70 % of the information that people obtain is through the vision . As the foundation of video signal processing and transmission video capturing has become an import part of video system .

    图像是信息的主要载体,人们所获得的信息70%以上是通过 视觉得到的,而视频采集作为视频 信号处理与传输的基础成为视频系统中一个重要组成部分。

  • The practical method of vision signal feedback is much better than the practical method of hearing signal feedback .

    视觉 信号反馈的练习方法要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

  • Vision and sound signal processing the Japanese syllabary

    图像和伴音 信号处理日本语五十音图,假名表

  • The study of gait recognition has promoted the development of the theory of digital image processing machine vision pattern recognition and signal processing so it was important for scientific research .

    步态识别技术的研究促进了数字图像处理、机器 视觉、模式识别和 信号处理等领域的发展,具有重要的科学研究意义。

  • CONCLUSION : With the above regression formulation for the amplitude of P100 and vision under least signal visual angle we can objectively expertize visual acuity .

    结论:应用在最小 信号视角条件下P100波幅与 视力的回归方程对受检者视力的评估切实可行、简便且能达到量化分析的目的。

  • Envelope level for modulated vision signal

    已调 图像 信号的包络电平

  • Envelope level of sync peak for modulated vision signal

    水平同步调节电位器已调 图像 信号同步顶包络电平

  • DC component in the vision signal

    图像 信号的直流分量

  • In order to help the hearing impaired people carry through speech training based on vision a new method which makes speech signal shown in image was proposed .

    为了帮助听力语言障碍者进行基于 视觉语音训练,提出了一种将语音 信号形成图像的新方法。

  • The result indicates that the practice method of hearing and vision signal feedback is much better than that of hearing signal feedback in the teaching effect of long pass .

    实验结果表明,听觉加 视觉 信号反馈的练习方法对长传球准确性的教学效果要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

  • The signals used in laser welding monitoring include audible sound ultrasonic ultraviolet visible light infrared radiation plasma charge and machine vision . The advantages and disadvantages of each signal are analyzed in the paper .

    用于检测的信号主要有可听声波、超声波、紫外辐射、可见光、红外辐射、等离子体电信号以及机器 视觉等,分析了每种 信号的优缺点;

  • The detection and processing of dim and small targets in infrared image sequences has always been a vital subject in the fields of computer vision image processing and signal processing at the same time it is a core technology in infrared detection system .

    红外序列图像中弱小目标的检测与处理一直是计算机 视觉、图像处理以及 信号处理等领域中的重要课题,也是红外探测系统中的核心技术之一。

  • Application of Vision Attention Mechanism in Vibration Signal Processing

    视觉的选择性注意力机制在振动 信号处理中的应用研究

  • Grading system of apple size based on DSP uses Machine Vision Inspection Digital Signal Process and Serial Communication technology in order to realize inspection dynamic apples after processing and analyzing images then evaluate apple rating .

    本课题所研究的基于DSP的苹果尺寸大小分级系统,运用机器 视觉检测技术、数字 信号处理技术和串口通讯技术,通过图像处理和分析实现对动态苹果的检测,并判别苹果的等级。

  • Width of main sideband of modulated vision signal

    图像 信号主边带宽度

  • The research of vision signal wavelet 's processing in arc welding

    弧焊过程 视觉 信号小波处理的研究

  • Vision and sound signal processing

    图像和伴音 信号处理

  • Modulation depth for modulated vision signal adjust the pitch tone or volume of .

    已调 图像 信号的调制度调整斜度、音调或者音量。

  • The main research fields are pattern recognition image processing and analysis computer vision artificial intelligence computational intelligence and signal processing .

    主要研究方向:模式识别、图象处理与分析、计算机 视觉、人工智能、计算智能和 信号处理。

  • As soon as we realize that our vision has become cloudy again this acts as a signal to once more divide attention and be present .

    当我们一发觉自己的 视野又迷蒙起来,这就能作为一个 讯号,使我们再度分开注意力而处在当下。

  • Considering the human 's vision speciality aims at the pretreatment of image signal of defect detection of cone object age including some defect an algorithm is proposed to find the threshold with defect statistic feature of gray-level image including defects .

    根据人的 视觉感官特性,针对锥体零件缺陷检测中的图像 信号预处理,利用含有缺陷的灰度图像的灰度统计特征自动找出分割图像的灰度阈值。

  • In the first part we focus on the vision signal processing in terms of intelligent robots .

    在第一部分研究内容中,重点研究智能机器人的 视觉 信息处理问题。