warning facilities

[计] 报警设备

  • A complete and reliable icing-disaster monitoring and warning system for electric power facilities can offer reliable data for disaster prevention disaster reduction and disaster relief measures .

    一套完整可靠的电力 设施冰灾监测 预警系统可以为各项防灾、减灾、救灾措施提供可靠数据。

  • Obvious safety warning signs shall be set for equipment facilities and locations with relatively large risk factors .

    有较大危险因素的设备、 设施、场所设置明显的安全 警示标识。

  • D.failing to place eye-catching safety warning marks on the sites of production and business operation or relevant facilities and equipments which are considerably dangerous ;

    未在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关 设施、设备上设置明显的安全 警示标志的;

  • Finally based on modeling the evolution of Slump-flow between the combination of the law to explore its theoretical result in the reservoir area security early warning and prevention of transport facilities has important reference and reference .

    最后在建模的基础上对崩滑流之间的演变组合规律进行探讨,其理论结果对库区交通 设施安全 预警及防治有着重要的参考和借鉴作用。

  • Why warning facilities no alarm ?

    为何 警报 设施没有报警?

  • With the use of internet of things in agriculture Forecast and warning and agricultural facilities implement examples this paper introduced the internet of things application prospect in the modern agriculture .

    本文以物联网在农业预测 预警 设施农业等方面的应用为例,介绍了物联网在现代农业上的应用前景。

  • A Real-Time Monitoring and Warning System for Electric Power Facilities Icing Disaster Based on Wireless Sensor Network

    基于无线传感器网络的电力 设施冰灾实时监测与 预警系统

  • The World Health Organization has issued a dire Ebola warning for Liberia saying that the number of afflicted patients was increasing exponentially and that all new treatment facilities were overwhelmed pointing to a large but previously invisible caseload .

    世界卫生组织已向利比里亚发出埃博拉病毒的严重 警告,称被感染的患者呈指数级增长,所有新设立的治疗 设施不堪重负,预示着此前未曾见过的巨大工作量。

  • The device can decrease warning time and help to bring fire fighting facilities into full play which offered a pragmatic network technique for long-distance fire disaster warning .

    实际应用表明,这种以现代通讯和网络传输技术为基础的远程火灾报警器,可以缩短火灾 报警时间,有效发挥消防 设施作用,迅速扑灭火灾,为火灾远程报警提供了一种实用的联网技术方案。