warning device

[ˈwɔrnɪŋ dɪˈvaɪs][ˈwɔ:nɪŋ diˈvais]


  • The other warning device is a radio signal to the water plant .

    另一个 警报 设备是通向污水厂的无线电。

  • The utility model relates to an automatic warning device for the unmanned railway crossing belonging to a signal device of the railway comprising a warner a magnetic starting device and a switch .

    铁路无人看管道口自动 报警 装置,属于一种铁路信号装置,由报警器、磁力启动器和开关组成。

  • This paper introduces a newly-developed locomotive journal temperature warning device and explains its working principle and its features and the result of its operation .

    较详细的介绍了新研制的机车轴温 报警 显示 的工作原理及其所具有的功能、特点,最后叙述了该 装置的装车及运用情况。

  • In the paper the basic operating principle of such a technique is stated ; the analytical relation between the critical wear of bearing annex of the bit and its structure parameter is set up ; and the structural design criteria of the early warning device are expounded .

    文章阐述了该技术的基本工作原理,建立了钻头轴承副临界磨损量与结构参数之间的解析关系,说明了 预警 装置的结构设计准则。

  • This paper discusses the issue for locating installation and calibration of stall warning device .

    探讨失速 警告 的选位安装与校准问题。

  • The system composition line warning device main warning device and inner data communication protocol were introduced .

    介绍了系统的组成、列 告警 、总造警仪设计和内部数据通信具体约定。

  • This paper analyses the reason of loosing of tire of locomotive driving wheel discusses the operating principle and structure of locomotive loose tire warning device and the use results are given .

    分析了机车动轮弛缓的原因,介绍了机车轮箍防弛缓 报警 装置的工作原理、结构特点及运用效果。

  • The optical gain and aberration characteristics of immersion lens are analyzed hosed on FOV and optical gain of optical systems used in laser warning device .

    从激光 探测 告警光学系统的视场和光学增益出发,分析了浸没透镜的光学增益和像差特性。

  • And transducer translation circuit A / D transfer card computer D / A transfer card actuating mechanism warning device solve system compatible problem at one time .

    D/A转换卡?执行机构和 报警 装置等组成,同时解决了系统的兼容问题?

  • This paper introduces a new safety system which consists of the intelligent electric shock and earth leakage protector for marine electrical systems with small capacity and the microwave warning device for marine main distribution and large-sized electrical equipment .

    介绍了由保护船舶小容量电力系统的智能型触电漏电保护器和船舶主配电 装置及大型电气设备 预警保护的微波 报警 装置组成的新式安全系统。

  • It gives a detailed description of the display circuit of the laser warning device applying this technique .

    详细阐述了应用该技术研制的激光 报警 装置的控制显示电路。

  • Thus the portable and mobile solar warning device is a practical economical and good product .

    因此, 是一种 实用、经济的好产品。

  • Research of thermocouple alloy used aviation engine warning device

    航空发动机 报警 系统用热电偶合金的研究

  • It presents the guidelines on how to adjust the installation location and incidence of stall warning device and also discusses the reasons for metering of stall warning speed with indicated airspeed .

    提出了如何调整失速 警告 安装位置和安装角的指导性原则,论述了用表速计量失速预警速度的理由。

  • The laser warning device receives this control order and then enters into the corresponding work status .

    告警 根据不同的控制命令,进入不同的工作状态,得到不同的结果数据报文( 设备状态信息报文、侦收结果信息报文和调机结果信息报文)。

  • The utility model belongs to a medical instrument and comprises a warning device and a braking device .

    本实用新型属于医疗器械,包括 报警 装置和制动装置两部分。

  • Research and Application on NJ-2A Ground Sound Warning Device for Debris Flow


  • Solar powered aircraft warning device

    太阳能作电源航空器 警示 装置

  • This paper presents a new real-time holter system based on DSP ( TMS320VC5509 ) and MMC ( MultiMediaCard ) . This device can be used either for analyzing 24h ECG singals and storing them to flash memory or as a warning device for sudden-death arrhythmia .

    介绍了基于DSP(TMS320VC5509)和MMC( MultiMediaCard)存储卡的一种可连续记录24小时心电信号和进行实时分析,并对猝死性心律失常能作 报警的Holter系统。

  • Hand wheel type skylight controlling gear distress signal warning device

    手轮式天窗传动装置求援信号 装置者携带的一种 手动 装置

  • Firstly this thesis describes the communication pattern of the laser warning device . According to the needs to debug and test the device in laboratory I bring up a scheme for adding a USB communication interface module in the laser warning device .

    本论文在介绍了激光 威胁 告警 的通信方式的基础上,针对其在实验室进行调试与测试的具体需要,提出了在激光威胁告警器上加装USB通信接口模块的实现方案;

  • This paper introduces improved design of signal warning device on active naval vessels .

    本文介绍了现役舰船信号 报警 装置的改进设计。

  • It can automatically check the length of labels and is equipped with warning device of insufficient labels broken labels and no human-machine touch screen is easy and visual to operate .

    具有标签长度自动检测、配有缺标、断标和无色带 报警 装置。人机对话式智能触摸屏,操作方便直观。

  • The utility model provides a slow-speed warning device for a vehicle when a vehicle moves at a slow speed rear coming vehicles can be warned automatically by light signals .

    本实用新型提供一种车辆慢速 警示 装置,车辆在慢速行进时,可自动以灯号警示后方来车。

  • In this paper it was explained that the basic principle and structure features of warning device of seismo-graphic recorder with double functions .

    本文阐述了地震仪双功能 报警器的基本原理和结构特点。

  • In the paper the neighborhood correlation processing technique and debugging method of a laser warning device are studied .

    介绍了邻域相关处理技术和由此设计的激光 报警 装置调试方法。

  • The expression a canary in a coal mine came to mean a warning device .

    有一种说法“煤矿里的金丝雀”就是用来当作 示警 工具的。

  • Application of Infrared Warning Device for Touching Prevention in Newton 's Ring Experiment

    红外 报警 系统在牛顿环实验中的应用