




  • Japanese towel makers have developed the technology to make less expensive functional waffle weave bath towels .

    日本毛巾厂商已经研发出制作价格较低而且有实用的 织浴巾的技术。

  • If you do not have a waffle iron just use a fry pan and cook like a pancake .

    若没有 铁板,可用煎锅代替,象做薄烤饼那样。

  • Have multi-axile fabrics bead to cloth double-sided cloth a garment cloth waffle and rib etc.

    有平纹布、珠地布、双面布、位衣布、 及罗纹等。

  • Thick sweet waffle often eaten with ice cream or fruit sauce . I want to be on a tropical paradise being served pina coladas all day long .

    特甜的 饼干,常和冰淇淋或果汁一起食用。我要到一个热带乐园,整天喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒。

  • I ask him a question but he just go waffle on .

    我问他一个问题,可他就是 胡扯

  • Mr Carroll and a handful of other presenters broadcast from studios lined with waffle foam .

    卡洛尔和其他一些授课者从 装有塑料泡沫材料的录音棚进行播音。

  • Jennifer : Well your making cinnamon toast inspired me to go out and buy a waffle maker .

    珍妮花:你做的肉桂吐司激发我去买了一 松饼机。

  • When you pop a frozen waffle into the toaster electrical energy turns into heat energy .

    当你取出一块冷冻 进烤面包器时,电能转化成了热能。

  • My wife often tells me I waffle

    我妻子经常说我 胡说八道

  • The Europeans and Japanese have figured out a way to make towels with a honeycombed highly textured weave . This waffle weave creates more surface area for soaking up water .

    欧洲人和日本人已想到一种方法,可以用一种织地细密、纹路呈蜂巢状的织法来做毛巾,这种“ 织法”创造了更多吸水空间。

  • Yet all I have heard is ill-informed meandering waffle .

    以及我所听到的一切,都是片面的,都是 胡扯

  • I had expected the recession to kill off the global epidemic of Waffle Flu .

    我本来预计经济衰退会消灭这种全球流行的 废话流感( WaffleFlu)。

  • It 's the waffle house .

    这是“ 松饼

  • Keeping things short and sweet not only shows people that you are concise and don 't waffle but that you also know what you want .

    亲切简洁的语言彰显了你简明的 个性,不仅不会被 认为是在 胡扯,还让对方知道你是一个了解自己想要什么的人。

  • Preheat waffle iron to medium high .

    铁板 调至中温预热。

  • The Japanese towels have a more casual look than the elegant traditional European waffle weave .

    比起高雅的传统欧式 织布,日式毛巾的外观看来普通得多。

  • They are available in waffle pack or tape-and-reel packaging .

    它们均采用 片包装和带盘式包装。

  • He 's waffled on abortion and gay rights

    他在堕胎和同性恋权利 问题立场 模糊

  • How about a waffle Miss ? We make delicious waffles .

    小姐,来点鸡蛋 好吗?我们做得十分美味可口。

  • The waffle thing I gotta turn it off .

    的事情,我要把 微波 关掉。

  • Listen we 'll have a waffle hot dog .

    嗨,我们去吃个 热狗吧。

  • He give her a look that you can have pour on a waffle .

    他注视她的神态, 正如你或会倾注于 之上

  • NOT all marriages are happy but Alex Hernandez thinks that the union of a waffle and a doughnut will be .

    并不是所有的婚姻都是幸福的,但是亚历克斯·赫尔南德斯认为 和甜甜圈的组合会很幸福。

  • To satisfy customers'needs the company offers professional coffee makers slush machines and waffle makers from different countries .

    各国专业咖啡机、冰沙机和 松饼机可供您有不同的选择。

  • It 's way too late when he starts that old It 's not you it 's me waffle .

    等到他开始对你说:“不是你的 ,是我” 这种 老调时就太晚了。

  • The structural behavior of cellular voided slab was analyzed by finite element method difference between cellular voided slab and ribbed or waffle slab was pointed out .

    采用有限元法对比分析了蜂窝式空心板的受力特点,指出了蜂窝式空心板与密肋楼板和 楼板受力机理的不同。

  • You 'll do fine as long as you don 't waffle .

    你只要不 随意 攀谈就会 足够好了。

  • There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket .

    电话里有 家伙在 唠叨一张飞机票的事情。

  • He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal .

    他一直 举棋不定,找出种种理由不予成交。

  • I 'm happy that waffle house was okay with me coming here .

    我很高兴 华芙快餐 同意我来。