


  • This warranty shall be invalidated by any abuse misuse misapplication or improper installation of the product .

    对于任何产品滥用、错用、误用或不正确安装,将不适用于本 保证

  • It should work but I can give you no warranty .

    它应该工作,但我可以给你任何 保证

  • The company has perfect quality assurance system and perfect warranty service measures .

    公司具有完善的质量保证体系和完善的 保修服务措施。

  • The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer 's warranty .

    这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方 保单

  • Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty .

    每个系统和仪器已在全球销售,我们 保修

  • The Acceptance of the Contract Plant shall not release the Seller from his warranty for the Contract Plant .

    合同项目的验收并不能免除卖方对合同项目的 保证 责任

  • I bought your three-year warranty but I don 't really understand this term .

    我跟你们买了三年 保固,但有个条款我不是很清楚。

  • I kept the warranty . I kept the warranty !

    我还留着 质保 ,我还留着质保单!

  • Have you got your receipt and warranty card ?

    您有发票和 保修卡吗?

  • All the products are covered by a national warranty .

    所有产品全国 联保

  • No warranty guarantee or representation is made as to the correctness or sufficiency of the information .

    对信息的正确性、充分性不作任何 担保、保证或表示。

  • This warranty shall not cover damages resulting from commercial ( rental ) use .


  • However if your car manufacturer goes out of business your warranty may be at risk .

    然而,一旦你的汽车生产商破产了,你的 担保也就有了风险。

  • This warranty is good for one year after the date of the purchase of the product .

    保证 自购置此产品之日起有效 为一年。

  • Later termination of the link shall not invalidate this Warranty .

    随后终止该链路不使本 保证失效。

  • The warranty includes parts and service .

    保证 范围 只有零件和服务方面。

  • This software is provided as is without express or implied warranty .

    此软体以其所呈现的方式提供,不表示或暗示有 保证

  • Warranty replacement for nonconforming purchased products ; logistic requirements ; product identification and traceability ;

    对不合格采购产品进行更换的 保证;物流要求;产品标识和可追溯性;

  • The equipment is still under warranty .

    这套设备仍在 保修

  • This warranty shall not cover damages caused by the use of parts of different manufacturers .


  • This warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear .


  • A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer .

    保险人可以放弃 保证的违反。

  • If the warranty is limited the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund

    如果 保修有限制,根据条款你也许可以要求退换或者退款。

  • Delivery and pick-up charges are at the purchaser 's expense for all repairs made under this warranty .

    质保 的维修和附件运输费用由买方承担。

  • Your sales receipt is needed for warranty validation so be sure to keep it in a safe place .

    你们的销售收据是需要 保证验证,所以一定要把它放在一个安全的地方。

  • This product has a three year limited warranty and is entitled to mail-in or carry-in repair service .

    这一种产品有三年有限制的 担保而且有权邮寄-在或进位-在的修理服务。

  • Delivery time and do you have a warranty ?

    交货时间和你有 保修吗?

  • Give us the best rates and quality with good guarantee and warranty we will definitely have good deal .

    给我们最优惠的价格和质量具有良好的保证和 保修,我们一定会具有良好的处理。