

[法] 工资和物价关系的

  • And inflationary expectations are not properly anchored increasing the risk of a wage-price spiral .

    通货膨胀预期并没有有效平复,从而增加了 工资 价格螺旋 上涨的风险。

  • The vicious cycle of the wage-price spiral of the 1970s has not occurred as both labour and capital still believe in the inflation - fighting credibility of the central banks .

    上世纪70年代 工资 - 物价螺旋式 上升的恶性循环一直没有出现,是因为劳动力和资本仍然信任各国央行抗击通胀的声誉。

  • As long as the public believes the Fed will act to control inflation today 's price increases are unlikely to feed tomorrow 's wage claims and a wage-price spiral can be averted .

    只要公众相信联储会继续控制通胀,今天的价格增长就不太会引发明天增加工资诉求, 工资 价格 情况也不会出现。

  • The insidious interplay between prices and indexed wages was central to the ensuing wage-price spiral .

    物价与 通胀 调整的工资之间的危险关系是造成 工资 - 价格 恶性循环的关键 因素

  • Runaway inflation is usually the result of fiscal excess financed by printing money or rigid labour markets which produce a wage-price spiral that the central bank fails to stop .

    引起失控风险的原因通常是财政支出过度 以至于 不得不以印钱的方式融资;或是劳动力市场僵化以至于央行无法阻止 工资 - 价格螺旋。

  • Inflation is likely to remain contained this year by the absence of price pressures globally while a wage-price spiral is not likely .

    在全球没有涨价压力而 工资 物价螺旋 上升也不太可能出现的情况下,今年通货膨胀仍会受到抑制。

  • However there is little evidence of wage-price spirals in the developing world .

    不过,几乎没有证据表明发展中国家的 工资 成本上升。

  • The ensuing wage-price spiral could ruin the global economy for years to come .

    随之产生的 工资 - 物价螺旋式 上升将在未来数年毁掉全球经济。

  • The risk of a wage-price spiral albeit a modest one is not negligible .

    工资 价格螺旋 上升,即使是一种适度的 上升,其风险也是不可小视的。

  • A vicious wage-price spiral

    工资 物价 上升的恶性循环

  • It would want to avoid a jump in inflationary expectation or a wage-price spiral .

    它将希望避免通胀预期飙升,或 工资 / 价格螺旋式 上升