wage index

[wedʒ ˈɪnˌdɛks][weidʒ ˈindeks]


  • On the Issue of Surplus Management in the Perspective of Wage Agreement ; index numbers of the costs of labour and selected materials used in government contracts

    工资合约视角下的盈余管理问题&基于 工效 挂钩合约模型的政策建议政府合约的工资及材料成本 指数

  • We form minimum wage sectional and dynamic adjusted model With related index of minimum wage we measure minimum wage standard of Guangdong province in using these methods mentioned method above in order to supply useful information for government .

    通过设立广东省最低 工资的相关 指标,运用以上测算方法和调整模型对广东省的最低工资进行了实证运行,从而为广东省政府制定科学的最低工资标准提供参考依据。

  • In1957 Germany first set up pension adjustment index based on gross wage index which steadily had been operated for34 years .

    1957年德国首先建立了基于总 工资 指数的养老金调整指数,该 指数运行34年后,面对人口老龄化的加剧,进行了多次改革。

  • This is anecdotal evidence but it suggests that given the wage pressures building behind it the consumer price index in China might just might be a tad higher than the official number of 4.6 per cent suggests .

    这是坊间证据,但它表明,考虑到背后的 薪资 上涨压力,中国的消费者价格 指数或许(仅仅是或许)要稍稍高于官方公布的4.6%的水平。

  • Recently people pay great attention on the minimum wage system since for one thing capital of laborers in many regions of China is higher ; for another rising consumer price index ( CPI ) makes such regions face the adjustment of standard of the minimum wage .

    最低 工资制度在近期受到了很多的关注,一方面是由于中国很多地区的劳动力成本在不断上升,另一方面最近居民消费 指数的上升也使很多地区面临对最低工资标准进行调整的问题。

  • The wage increase in the country will be pegged to the consumer price index ( CPI ) .

    全国的 工资增添幅度还将与居民消费价钱 指数(CPI)挂钩。

  • In tradition individual wage increment is the only index to measure the returns to education investment . Some defaults may exist in those traditional models .

    传统上,计量教育投资的社会收益是以 工资的增长作为 衡量 指标,这样的模型中存在不足之处。

  • While the local economy continues to grow the findings have shown a slight decrease in index of current economic conditions and real wage while the real rental index increased .

    虽然经济普遍向好,但经济现况指数及实质 工资指数轻微下调。租金 指数则较去年上升。