Held in London in1851 the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions like an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine .
在那次万国博览会上引介了早期的传真机和 计票 机等新发明。
This paper introduces some typical machine learning algorithms and constructs a voting E-mail filter model based on multi - machine learning algorithms .
该文介绍了几种典型机器学习算法,并构造了一种基于多 机器学习算法的 投票式过滤模型。
The voting machine metaphor underpins the efficient market hypothesis .
投票 机的说法支持有效市场的假设。
The metaphor of market as voting machine gives too much credence to the coherence of collective wisdom .
将市场比作 投票 机的说法过于相信集体的智慧。
Next it is voter-verifiable . The voter has the ability to verify if the encrypted ballot generated by the voting machine is consistent with her intent without doing complicated cryptographic computation .
其次,该方案具有投票可校验性质,投票人不需要做复杂的密码学计算就可以检查 投票 机是否根据他的意愿生成了加密选票。
A different metaphor is common among students of finance . The market is a voting machine which allows participants to record their diverse views .
金融系学生有另一个常见的比喻:市场是一个 投票 机,参与者可以借此记录下各自不同的看法。
It has the following properties : Firstly the voting machine used is tamper-evident .
我们提出了一个电子 投票方案,它具有以下特点:首先,方案中使用的 投票 机具有篡改留痕性质。
Chapter 5 concentrates on application of Voting machine digital system in the formative evaluation experiments of physics classroom .
第五章着重陈述应用 Voting Machine数字化系统在物理课堂教学中的形成性评价实验。
In the short term the stock market behaves like a voting machine – but in the long term it acts like a weighing machine .
股市短期看是 投票 机,长期看是称重机。
The voting machine is employed to generate encrypted ballot for the voter . The voter only needs to perform simple operation to verify the computation of the machine .
在他们的 协议中,使用 电子 投票 机来为投票人产生加密选票,投票人只需要做一些简单计算就可以校验投票机的计算结果。
美[ˈvotɪŋ məˈʃin]英[ˈvəʊtɪŋ məˈʃi:n]