


  • A screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw .

    有可以插入螺丝头的狭槽的 楔形尖端的螺丝起子。

  • Application of self-etching adhesive and gingival retraction to treating wedge-shaped defect

    排龈术和自酸蚀黏结术联合治疗 缺损疗效分析

  • He led the horse companions in their wedge-shaped charge and smashed into the centre of the Persian line .

    他率领骑兵伙伴 组成 楔形冲锋,突入敌阵中央。

  • The two approaches predict that a wedge-shaped thin film can produce large negative longitudinal GH shifts .

    两种方法都预计 楔形薄膜可以产生大的负纵向GH位移。

  • A series of wedge-shaped blocks is assembled together in a semi-circular form and supported on top of two pillars at the side .

    这一系列 的石料聚合在一个半圆的形状下,并且支持着边上柱子的顶部。

  • An ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia .

    在美索不达米亚和波斯使用的一种古代 楔形手稿。

  • Large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail .

    直喙和 楔形尾巴的大黑鸟。

  • The analytical expression for the complex amplitude of light reflected from a wedge-shaped thin film is derived .

    推倒了光从 楔形薄膜反射时反射波复振幅的解析表达。

  • A wedge-shaped wool or cotton cap ; worn as part of a uniform .

    羊毛或棉线的 帽子;戴着作为制服的一部分。

  • We present a symplectic analytical method for the study of two-dimensional low Reynolds number flow in a wedge-shaped cavity caused by constant unit tangential velocity of the curved wall .

    采用辛对偶方法对楔形空腔环向边界 驱动的低雷诺数流动进行计算,研究了 楔形空腔内的流场变化。

  • The clinical application of wedge-shaped frame in breast cancer radiotherapy


  • It is also wedge-shaped to lenticular .

    另外,它也 至透镜状。

  • Knockout mechanism that consists of spring slide plank wedge-shaped block and so on and that is fit to use in small punch presses is researched and produced .

    研制了一种适合于小 冲床上使用的 带有 3个阶段的弹簧、板、块式顶出机构。

  • Objective : To compare the effect of FL-Bond adhesive system with that of total etching adhesive system that in treating wedge-shaped defect with light cured composite resin .

    结论表明自酸蚀粘接系统的复合树脂 修复 缺损与全酸蚀粘接系统相比,具有固位性好、边缘 封闭、对牙髓刺激小、成功率高等 优点

  • A kind of long rail measurement based on wedge-shaped plate interference has been developed which is one of the important branch of geometry measurement .

    介绍了一种用于长导轨检测的基于 干涉的 激光准直系统。

  • Determination of gingival crevicular fluid volume and pH in wedge-shaped defects


  • Wedge-shaped Extrusion Resistance Analysis of Flat-pipe Belt Conveyor

    扁管带式输送机的 楔形挤压阻力分析

  • A wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase . The pigs rooted out truffles .

    用来将铅字锁固在活版架中的 楔形块猪用鼻子拱着翻出块菌。

  • The National Capitol could easily fit into any one of its five wedge-shaped parts .

    美国的国会大厦很容易地就能放进这座五 建筑的任何一个角中。

  • Correction of severe nipple inversion by using wedge-shaped corium and glandular tissue flaps

    比较催乳激素内分泌学 楔形真皮乳腺瓣法矫正重度乳头内陷

  • Clinical effects of glass ionomer cement and silver alloy for treatment of wedge-shaped defect

    玻璃离子 水门汀与银合金粉的临床应用

  • The checkgate mainly includes frame poling board wedge-shaped device and etc.

    堰门主要有堰框、堰板、 装置等部件组成。

  • AIM : To compare the effect of glasionomer cement FX material with that of light-cured composite resin material in treating wedge-shaped defect .

    目的:比较FX玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂治疗 颈部 缺损的疗效。

  • Bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail ; of Europe and Greenland .

    灰褐色巨大的鹰,白色尾巴短而 楔形;产于欧洲和格棱兰。

  • The infarct is wedge-shaped and based on the pleura .

    梗死灶呈 楔形,基底部位于脏层胸膜上。

  • Research on a Wedge-shaped Dielectric UWB TEM Horn Antenna


  • Objective : To investigate the clinical curative effects in restoration of wedge-shaped defects of by using light curing composite and the high frequency electricity knife .

    目的:探讨高频电刀加光固化复合体修复 缺损 的临床效果。

  • After collimated and broadened the semiconductor laser beam is exposured on the wedge-shaped plate .

    利用半导体激光器发出的激光,经准直扩束后照射到 楔形平板上;