week in week out

[wik ɪn wik aʊt][wi:k in wi:k aut]


  • You get more variety in your work . You 're not slaving week in week out in a hot kitchen like me .

    你的工作很有趣,不像我一直在烤人的厨房里干 苦役

  • It was one of the best times of my life and I can only envy those Gooners who get to do it week in week out .

    那是个生命中最美好的时刻,我只能嫉妒那些每个 周末都能这样做的枪手

  • You could have written an article about it but instead you choose to attack our economies week in and week out .

    你也可以根据我们这样的情况写一篇文章,但是你却选择写文章攻击我们的经济不断 衰败

  • It is very difficult for a top flight manger to innovate when he needs to win week in and week out .

    对顶级联赛里的教练来说,有所创新非常难,他们要做的是一 周接地赢下比赛。

  • I work down t ' recycling plant 14 hours a day week in week out for sixpence a fortnight and give all me wages to a bee-keeping co-operative in Zaire .

    我每天到回收工厂工作14个小时, 接着一 ,两个星期挣6个便士,全部工资都捐给了扎伊尔的一个养蜂合作社。

  • On top of that we had an all-English Champions League final for the first time-testament to the strength of the Premier League and the standards being set week in week out .

    最终,我们第一次让冠军杯决赛 变成英格兰内战,这很好的说明 我们的联赛 日积月累取得的成就。

  • In preparation for Fashion Week we were trying to figure out a way to show more about what it was like being there so cinemagraphs were born out of a need to tell a story in a fast digital age .

    为Fashion Week准备的过程中,我们试着 找出一种能传达更多内容的途径,因此Cinemagraph就应运着这个飞速发展的数码时代的需要产生了。

  • It 's a funny one with Torres we all just want him playing like he did against Chelsea week in week out and it looks like he is on his way back to that at long last .

    而托镭斯的情况就有更多 吐槽点,我们都希望他能保持对切尔西时的状态,能够回到他之前一直都有的那种状态。

  • When I sit in the North Bank week in week out Tony Adams is the first player I can pick out .

    当我坐在北方银行 的时候, ,托尼·亚当斯是我能挑选出的第一个队员。

  • Six rock bands made up of advertising executives will still battle it out on Wednesday but the usual festive mood of the annual advertising week gathering in New York has been overshadowed by the financial crisis rocking Wall Street and Washington .

    6支由广告公司高管组成的摇滚乐队仍将在本周三 一决雌雄,但震动华尔街和美国政府的金融危机,令一年一度的纽约广告 (advertising week)通常的那种节日气氛黯然失色。

  • Training with world class players week in week out has only made me a better player and I 'm thankful for that .

    每周与世界级球员一起训练让我 变得更强,我对此充满感激。

  • The Hong Kong dollar 's strength over the past week especially has been sufficient to force the territory 's Monetary Authority to intervene in the currency markets in New York this week to stop the territory 's dollar from bursting out of its monetary corset .

    尤其是过去一 港元的强势,已足以迫使香港金管局(HKMA)本 在纽约外汇市场实施干预,阻止港元 超出该局的控制。

  • We 've got Man United next game and I 've got to make sure I keep doing well week in and week out now .

    下场比赛我们对阵曼联,我得确保我 接下来 都能保持良好的状态。

  • Every sunday week in week out she writes to her parents .

    她每个 星期日都给她父母写信。

  • The initial light therapy the next day a times a total of three times per week according to the degree of improvement in patients with skin lesions and gradually reduced to 2 times per week every week a times the last out .

    初始光疗隔天1次, 每周共3次,据患者皮损改善程度,逐渐减为 每周2次、每周1次,最后 停用

  • When you 're playing week in week out it really helps your confidence .

    当你 每周都能打 比赛的时候真的很能积累自信,这对你的状态也有帮助。