


  • The prototype measurement of retaining wall reinforced by a new type of wedgy tied reinforcement THE PROCESS OF GRADATIONAL PCD ENCHANCED WEDGY INSERT

    一种新型 楔形 筋加筋土挡墙的原型观测梯度聚晶金刚石(PCD)增强楔形复合齿的制备

  • Optimization of Disk Coreless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Halbach & the Wedgy Airgap Motor

    基于Halbach阵列盘式无铁心永磁同步电机优化设计& 楔形气隙结构电机

  • Study on the Wedgy BUE When Machining SiC_W / LD2 ( SiCp / LD2 ) Composites

    切削SiC w/LD2(SiCp/LD2)复合材料时的 楔形积屑瘤研究

  • The second one is to set elementary directed drilling holes to improve the stability of the drilling tools at movement condition and to use the wedgy pipe in order to set the bent hole right .

    二是在 地层设置初级定向孔,提高钻具在动态条件下的稳定性,并在弯曲孔 采用 套管

  • Giving examples of its application in the design of curve eccentric clamp mechanisms circular wedgy scarf joints and relieving shaped cutters and so on this paper illuminates its application prospect in many fields of mechanical design and manufacturing engineering .

    由此 出发,以 对数 螺线在曲线偏心夹紧机构设计、圆 联接、铲 齿成形刀具等方面的应用为例,阐明了它在机械设计与制造工程领域中的应用前景。

  • New type piston ring synthetic measurement instrument is the instrument which can measure both the height and trapezoid angle of the keystone piston ring and wedgy piston ring .

    新型活塞环综合检测仪就是一种能同时测量梯形或 楔形活塞环的环高与梯形角的综合测量仪。

  • Application of the Wedgy Unilateral Clutch in the Imported Belt Conveyor THREE DIMENSIONAL NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN WEDGY PASSAGE

    进口带式输送机 单向离合器的应用楔形通道换热三维数值模拟