

n.水草(寡妇的)丧服,黑纱带杂草( weed的名词复数 )烟草大麻烟

v.除杂草( weed的第三人称单数 )说笑话,开玩笑( jest的过去式和过去分词 )很早的

  • We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds

    我们匆匆往前走,来到一个 野草丛生的院子。

  • The field is overgrown with weeds and the barn is empty .


  • For example many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects .

    例如,许多农场主朝庄稼喷撒化学物质以杀死 野草和昆虫。

  • Weeds compete with plantings for water and nutrients .


  • Weeds are an index to the character of the soil .


  • The yard is full of weeds but the house itself is in good condition .

    院子里 杂草 丛生,但房子本身完好无损。

  • With repeated applications of weedkiller the weeds were overcome .

    经过反复施用除草剂, 杂草得以彻底根除。

  • The island was overgrown with weeds and looked extremely desolate .

    岛上 杂草丛生,异常索寞。

  • The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps .

    边缘必须互搭在一起,否则 杂草会从缝隙中 出来

  • I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the garden .

    我用除草剂除去了花园中的 杂草

  • Weeds always crop up in the fields .

    地里总是长出 杂草来。

  • Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems .

    主要 杂草是一年生阔叶 杂草和禾本科 杂草

  • They have found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields .

    他们找到了一种控制稻田 杂草的新方法。

  • Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there rather than when the growing crops are there .

    芥菜要在地 里长 杂草而不是长庄稼时种植。

  • The pupils are pulling up the weeds .

    学生们在 拔草

  • Weeds grow rankly .


  • But some farmers have used so much glyphosate that a number of kinds of weeds can now resist it .

    但是由于一些农民已经使用了太多了草甘膦,很多 杂草目前都具有了抗 药性

  • The weeds run riot in some fields .

    有些田地里出现了 草荒

  • He is in taller grass and weeds .

    他走在更高的草地和 杂草中。

  • Weeds had swallowed up the garden .

    花园里 杂草 丛生

  • If left unchecked weeds will flourish .

    如果不加以遏制, 杂草就会疯长。

  • I have a patch of land in which grow weeds .

    我在河边有一块地,长 杂草

  • Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds .

    里人分不清水稻苗和 杂草

  • He eradicated weeds in his garden .

    他把花园中的 杂草根除了。

  • My garden is running to weeds .

    我的院子里长 杂草

  • Irrigation has been used where needed and modern chemical to control weeds .

    需水的地方有了灌溉设施,并且采用了现代化学药剂以控制 杂草

  • My garden is now clear of weeds .

    我的花园现在没有 杂草了。

  • Weeds are accompanying plants that influence the growth and production of crops in agroecosystem .


  • Annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds .

    一个一年或多年生禾本属,包括装饰性和草坪用草品种和声名狼藉的农业 杂草

  • It is necessary to guard against disastrous fires when burning wild bushes and weeds .
