weighing scale

  • In this paper the weighing principles main components technical performance and industrial applications of a dynamic weighing chain hook scale used for dynamic weighing of wire materials are briefly described .

    本文简要地介绍了用于线材动态称重的链钩 的称重原理、主要组成部分、技术性能及生产应用情况。

  • An Electronic Weighing Scale with Full Automatic - Control in Use for Mixed Juice in Sugar Mill


  • This paper introduces the working principles and verification regulation of high speed motion weighing electronic railway track scale by composed force discuses the structure technique essentials of the excellent railway track scale at present and introduces it verification and development .

    介绍了二力合成 高速 不断 动态电子轨道 的工作原理,阐述了该种轨道衡的结构、技术要点,介绍了其检定方法和发展趋势。

  • Motion Weighing Electronic Railway Track Scale Data Processing of The Dynamic Train Weighing System

    动态电子轨道 动态电子轨道 的数据处理

  • High-speed Motion Weighing Electronic Railway Track Scale by Composed Force

    二力合成 高速 不断轨动态电子轨道

  • The Online Application of Minor Sensor Volume Nuclear Weighing Scale

    小感量核子 在线应用

  • An actual model of dynamic vehicle weighing scale has been analyzed and constructed firstly . Based on the derived model by system identification the optimal output error method has been proposed to utilize fully the effective information of weighing signals and increase the weighing speed and accuracy .

    首先分析和构造了符合汽车 特点的系统辨识模型,并基于该模型提出了优化输出误差方法,利用称量信号的有效信息,明显提高了称量精度和速度。

  • This text introduced attempt and analysis of one verification method aimed at presently the problem of quantity deficiency of big mass weigh when metrology verification department verified big weighing electronic truck scale looking forward to causing discussion .

    本文针对目前计量检定部门检定大 电子汽车 ,普遍存在大质量砝码数量不足的问题,介绍了一种检定方法的尝试和分析,以期引发探讨。

  • Attempt for one method of verifying great weighing electronic truck scale with a few weights

    用少量砝码检定大 称量电子汽车 一种方法的尝试

  • Nuclear weighing scale and its industrial application s


  • The weighing scale is installed under the raw materials silo and requires no electrical vibrating feeder or any other intermediate feeding facilities .


  • By analyzing factors that affect the weighing error of track scale an error model is established and an error compensation algorithm for track scale based on immune RBF network is proposed .

    通过详细分析轨道 称重误差的来源,建立了轨道 称重模型并提出了基于免疫RBF网络的多传感器信息融合轨道衡误差补偿方法。

  • Based on working mechanism and structure of nuclear conveyor-belt weighing scale source of errors is briefly analysed < and the improvement methods are given .

    本文叙述了核皮带 的工作原理及其构成,对造成核秤的称量误差的来源及其改进措施作了简要的分析和讨论。

  • At the same time optimum matrix transfer method is used to improve contribution weighing of scale matrix evaluation method so that the consistency is naturally satisfied and extra consistency test is not needed .

    同时,采用最优传递矩阵法 对标 矩阵判断法确定 权重进行了改进,使之自然满足一致性要求,从而避免一致性检验。

  • A Micro-Computer Control System for Electronic Motion Weighing Track Scale

    动态电子轨道 的一种微机控制系统

  • A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to300 pounds on it .

    体重的机器上有从1磅到300磅的 刻度

  • Some problems and the solutions of verifying great weighing electronic truck scale

    电子汽车 检定存在的问题及其解决方法

  • Realization of burdening system in weighing scale car control by PLC

    基于PLC控制炉料 称量小车配料系统的实现

  • The connection between feeding opening and storage silo self-prepared by users and weighing by mechanical scale are adopted for the equipment with compact structure and convenient installation .

    进料口与用户自备的储料仓连接,机械 称量,结构紧凑,安装方便。

  • Program Design for Weighing by Belt Scale with Duplex Loop Controller

    双回路调节器的皮带 称重程序设计

  • There are some problems about verifying great weighing truck scale and they will be discussed in this article so as to invite colleagues opinions .

    本文就以数字指示秤检定规程检定大 称量汽车 所面临的状况和产生的问题,提出来与业内同仁进行交流探讨。

  • Structure design can be adjusted as per the height of bag clamping and hanging device to meet requirement for weighing of multiple scale .

    夹袋挂袋装置接高度可调节结构设计,可满足多 量程 称重需要;

  • Motion Weighing Electronic Railway Track Scale


  • In this Paper by using random system theory we analyse various disturbances in weighing Process of dynamic track scale . A noise signal model is established and it is verified by using computer simulation .

    应用随机系统理论深入分析了微机轨道 动态 称重过程中的各种干扰作用,建立了它们的信号模型,并用计算机仿真论证了模型的正确性。

  • In-motion electronic track weighing scale ( automatic track weighing scale ) is a piece of equipment that automatically weighs wagons loads in motion .

    动态电子轨道 (亦称自动轨道衡)是自动计量行进中的货车车辆重量的设备。

  • Working Mechanism of Nuclear Conveyor-Belt Weighing Scale and Weight Error Analysis

    核皮带 工作原理及称量误差分析

  • The paper introduces and discusses a new micro-computer control system for electromic motion weighing track scale in the five aspects of working principles application of microcomputer module convert channel bridge power supply and load cell amplification circuits .

    本文从工作原理、微机应用、模数转换通道,供桥电源、传感器放大处理电路等五个方面介绍和论述动态电子轨道 的一种新型微机控制系统。这种电控系统已在生产实际中应用。

  • We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale .

    我们决定用你们的电子邮件 下订单。