weighing bottle


  • Leave the stopper off of the weighing bottle until the first time the desiccator is opened after the KHP has cooled .

    待KHP被冷却后,让 称量 的塞子一直打开,直至第一次把乾燥器的盖子打开为止。

  • Design of a Small Volume Weighing Bottle and It 's Application

    小体 的设计和使用法

  • But when surgeons operated they found gold bars weighing nearly 400g ( 14oz ) in his stomach instead of a bottle cap .

    但是医生给他做手术时却在他胃里发现了 重达400克(14盎司)的金条,而非他所说得 瓶盖

  • A small volume weighing bottle was designed and a new weighing method was developed .

    设计了一个小 体重 测定 ,拟定了小体重测量方法。

  • Blood loss was carefully measured by weighing the sponges and determining the volume of shed blood in the suction bottle .

    仔细 地秤纱布的 重量及确定在吸引并 的失血量来测定失血量。