welding procedure


  • Welding Procedure Research on 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Bimetal Pipe

    2205双相不锈钢双金属复合管 焊接 工艺研究

  • Management data base system of welding procedure qualification record ;

    其中包括 焊接 工艺评定的试验方法、过程和结果。

  • Effect of welding procedure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 2024 Al-alloy welded joint

    焊接 工艺对2024铝合金接头组织与性能的影响

  • According to the actual situation of Guangdong province township shipyard Introduction to butt welding and fillet welding procedure approval process and technical standards and the note .

    结合广东省乡镇船厂实际,介绍钢板对接焊和角接 焊接 工艺认可流程、技术标准和有关注意事项。

  • The applies in the ocean oil gas pipeline construction bevel machine article the belt copper liner welds and pipeline auto welding machine welding equipment and welding procedure were introduced .

    介绍了应用于海洋油气管道施工的坡口机、带铜衬垫对口器、全位置自动焊等焊接装备和 焊接 工艺

  • Research on Braze Welding Procedure of Automobile Heat Exchanger in Nitrogen Oven

    汽车空调热交换器氮气炉 钎焊 工艺的研究

  • Welding procedure and quality control for roofs of type HX_D1 locomotive

    HXD1型机车顶盖 焊接 工艺及质量控制

  • Welding temperature is the important parameter in welding procedure and accurate measuring can improve welding quality and productivity .

    焊接温度是 焊管 生产 工艺中的重要参数,准确测量 焊接 温度对提高焊接质量和劳动生产率意义重大。

  • Study on Welding Procedure Digital Control of Micro Plasma arc Welding Machine

    微束等离子弧焊机 焊接 程序数字控制研究

  • The welding procedure of TC6 Titanium alloy is studied in this paper for welding and application of assembly .

    根据TC6钛合金组件的焊接和应用,研究了TC6材料的 焊接 工艺性。

  • The electrode classification shall be shown in the Welding Procedure Specification ( WPS ) and shall be considered an essential welding variable .

    焊接 工艺规程中应注明焊条类别,并将其视作一重要焊接变素。

  • Ceramic Cushion of Steel Pipe Weld Aided Device and Its Welding Procedure

    钢管焊缝陶瓷垫补焊装置及 焊接 工艺横向隔离-晶体管工艺的

  • In view of dual-pulse welding procedure a predicted model of spot weld forming for non-thick dissimilar steel was developed by the method of neural network based on a large number of experiments .

    利用交流电阻 点焊机在大量 工艺试验的基础上,采用人工神经网络的方法,针对非等厚异种钢的双脉冲 点焊构造了一种点焊焊点成形预测模型。

  • Principle and characteristic of inversion analysis algorithms were introduced as well as inversion analysis prospect and problems of welding procedure parameters were also analyzed .

    指出了 焊接 过程参数反演分析的前景及可能存在的问题。

  • Based on a great deal of welding procedure qualification data the mechanical properties prediction models of welding joints were established according to base-metal composition filler metal compo .

    本文针对实际 生产 过程中, 焊接 工艺 评定要做大量的 工艺评定试验,提出了利用人工神经网络和遗传算法来对焊接接头力学性能预测的方法来改进焊接 工艺评定。

  • According to the analysis of the process of welding procedure qualification in manufacturing industry the requirements for the system were acquired .

    本文通过分析企业 焊接 工艺评定流程,确定了系统需求;

  • Verification shall be provided using a welding procedure qualification ( general ) as well as one production weld test plate from an identical heat for each welding procedure ( specific ) utilised .

    通过 焊接 工艺评定(一般)以及对每个焊接程序经受同样受热的一块产品焊接试板(特殊)来进行确认。

  • Research on Properties of Welding Joint and Weld Bead Dimension by Twin-wire Submerge Arc Welding Procedure Submerged arc welding procedures of large-scale intersection and modeling of welding gun gesture

    双丝埋弧焊 接头性能及焊缝几何尺寸研究大型相贯线埋弧焊接 工艺研究及焊枪姿态建模

  • Grouping of and controlling of welding consumable in welding procedure qualification standard

    焊接 工艺评定标准中焊接填充材料分类及控制

  • Comparing and Analyzing of the Single and the Twin Wire Submerged Arc Welding Procedure and the Welded Joint Property

    单双丝埋 弧焊 工艺及接头性能比较分析

  • Welding Procedure Parameters Design System for Robot

    弧焊机器人 焊接 工艺参数设计系统研究

  • A Welding Procedure Qualification Record ( Form No. : FN09 / 02-02 ) is a record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon .

    焊接 程序检定记录(表号:FN09/02-02)为焊接数据记录文件,用于附体试片的焊接操作。

  • This paper which is about the welding procedure qualification test of the SA213-T23 steel pipe analysis the influence of post heat-treatment on the weld joint and got the right welding process .

    本文主要通过对SA213-T23钢小径管的 焊接 工艺评定试验,分析焊后热处理对T23钢焊接接头性能的影响,从而确定正确的焊接工艺。

  • Design standard of automobile body welding procedure affects the product quality and the cost greatly .

    轿车四大 工艺之一的车身 焊接 工艺,其设计水平对产品质量和成本有较大影响。

  • Automatic Welding Procedure in Pipeline Construction of India East to West Gas Project

    印度东气西输工程管线施工自动 焊接 工艺

  • Analysis of weld defects and research of welding procedure for triangle reinforced plate of aluminum car body on high-speed train

    高速列车铝合金车体 焊接缺陷分析及 工艺研究

  • Through analysis on inside weld forming and welding procedure of SSAW pipe it pointed out weld crack is easy to appear in brittle temperature zone in welding pool .

    通过对螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝成型和 焊接 过程的分析,指出焊缝裂纹易产生在焊接熔池脆性温度区。

  • Reinforcement to be welded shall be indicated in the contract documents and the welding procedure to be used shall be specified .

    合同文件应说明要焊接的钢筋,并规定要采用的 焊接 程序