wedge flow

[wɛdʒ flo][wedʒ fləu]


  • A sharp wedge shape after-body and tail vortex sheets are added to simulate actual flow .

    为模拟实际 流动,在后部加一 尖劈形后体,并施出一尾涡面。

  • Comparison research has been performed to analyze the fragmentation and enhanced mixing effect of the nozzles with different number of wedge on the multi-scaled turbulent eddy structures in the free jet flow .

    研究了喷口不同数目加齿对自由 射流多尺度湍涡结构的控制效果。

  • The research results of the diffusion investigation of saline wedge are applied to the analysis of the diffusion and deposition of the density flow which is affected by tides .

    文本利用盐水 扩散问题试验研究的成果,应用到 泥沙 异重流受潮汐影响的扩散和淤积分析。利用紊动能量损失与扩散系数之间关系,进行潮汐河段异重流问题的研究;

  • On the basis of an analysis of the detailed surface striation of the ablation wedge a preliminary flow model was proposed to explain the wedge distribution and its relationship with the cross-hatching ablation pattern .

    在分析研究熔 内部结构和外流条件的基础上,本文提出熔楔形成机理和内外 流动模型的设想,并对熔楔的形态、分布以及由它引导出菱形花纹等现象作了解释。

  • The far-field intensity distributions of laser beam is discussed which radius are 0.1m focus length is 10 ~ 6m and wavelength is 10.6 μ m or 1.315 μ m when it pass through the supersonic wedge flow .

    研究了半径0.1m、焦距106m、波长分别为10.6μm、1.315μm的激光束通过具有激波结构的超声速 流场后的远场强度分布。

  • The thermal environment of the wedge leading edge is rigorous in hypersonic flow .

    高超声速 气流 条件下, 前缘的热环境非常恶劣。

  • The structure of helix wedge high-speed hydraulic dynamic & static pressure bearing is able to accelerate the axial flow of lubrication oil .

    螺旋油 高速动静压轴承的结构型式能加速润滑油的轴向 流动,且两相邻油 润滑油 流动分开,使轴承的温升比 普通轴承明显降低。

  • Estimation of Mean Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure from Transesophageal Pulsed Echocardiography of Pulmonary Venous Flow

    双平面经食管超声观察肺静脉 血流估测肺毛细血管

  • Examines characteristics of the air flow field in the plane wedge jet flow for different wedge angles and boundary conditions through experiment .

    通过实验分析了平面 楔形 射流在不同的楔角及边壁条件下形成的流场特性。

  • Appliance of Shoving and Wedge in Kaolin Clay Flow Sand Seam

    在高岭土矿过 砂层中的应用