well up

[wɛl ʌp][wel ʌp]


  • This is a sign that Chris is telling everyone that he is doing very well up there so he brought us the sunshine .

    这是你在告诉我们 在那里过得很 ,所以给我们带来了阳光。

  • Ask john & he 's well up in the latest developments in computers .

    问问约翰&他 熟悉计算机的最新发展情况。

  • He tucked her robe well up to her knees .

    她把 袍子 到膝盖。

  • I saw her eyes well up with tears .

    我看见她 热泪盈眶

  • Tears well up in one 's eyes .


  • Every time I think of him tears will well up in my eyes .

    每当我想起他的时候,眼泪就会 涌出我的眼眶。

  • With flowed clear and cold out of the hills There is a spring well up cool water .

    这里有一个 涌出清凉泉水的泉。

  • Now take up the classic ice-cream-cone-eating stance : feet from one to one feet apart body bent forward from the waist at a twenty-five-degree angle right elbow well up right forearm horizontal at a level with your collarbone and about twelve inches from it .

    现在摆出吃冰漠淋的古典姿势两足相距一两英尺,上半身前倾25度, 右肘 抬起,右前臂水平提至与颈骨同高处,距离12英寸。

  • The twists and turns are like the wave well up time and time again uninterrupted attack and setback !

    波折就是如波浪般 的,一次又一次不间断的打击与挫折!

  • For the moment Frank got a funny look on his face and the tears began to well up in his eyes .

    讲到这儿,弗兰克脸上露出了古怪的表情,泪水 还是在眼眶里 打转

  • You might as well give up now .

    你最好现在 放弃

  • And many shops open well up to midnight . Just gives me enough time to get a new dress and a matching pair of shoes .

    还有,很多店铺 营业 深夜,我还有足够时间去买一条新裙子和一双喜欢的鞋。

  • You can 't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it

    你难免会有偏见,倒不如 干脆 坦然承认。

  • Markets can go down as well as up .

    市场 上涨,也会下跌。

  • All the facilities and instruments are well up to the state standards of the first grade .

    各种仪器设备均 达到国家一类标准。

  • With the help of the teacher Mary 's physics is now well up to the average .

    在老师的帮助下,玛丽的物理成绩已 达到平均水平。

  • All his children are well brought up .

    他家的孩子 教养

  • The thing that is really surprising is that it has taken this long for public anger to well up .

    真正奇怪的是为什么经过了这么长的时间公众的怒气才开始 爆发

  • She saw the confusion on my face and told me This question is very important . It shows that you have really lived your life . I saw her eyes well up with tears .


  • The water in the irrigating ditch was well up .

    灌溉渠里 水。

  • She is well up for the coming examination .

    她对即将 来临的考试 把握

  • The book is well got up .

    这本书印刷 装订

  • He is not very well up in the literature is he ?

    他对文学不太 ,是吗?

  • It 's said you 're well up in literature .

    据说你很 擅长文学。

  • Saunter eastward under locust trees to closely observe streaks of sunlight filtering through their foliage or quietly watch the trumpet-shaped blue flowers of morning glories climbing half way up a dilapidated wall and an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you .

    从槐树叶底,朝东细数着一丝一丝漏下来的日光,或在破壁腰中,静对着像喇叭似的牵牛花(朝荣)的蓝朵,自然而然 能够感觉 十分的秋意。

  • Why don 't you ask roy ? he 's well up on Chinese art .

    你为什么不请教罗伊呢?他对中国的艺术 精通

  • He 's well up on electronic music .

    他对电子音乐 内行