weaving&finishing mills


v.编,织,织成( weave的现在分词 )编排杜撰(把…)编成

  • When do you see him between basket weaving and ballet ?

    你什么时候看他了?在 编织篮子和芭蕾课中间吗?

  • Harbin Sunny-Dragon Industrial Company main engaged in Plant of linen spinning and weaving printing dyeing etc.

    哈尔滨朝龙亚麻实业有限公司主要从事亚麻的种植、纺纱、 织布、印花和染色等。

  • Weaving process of zein fibre jean is mainly discussed . Technique process step and style of jean is introduced .

    主要介绍了玉米纤维牛仔布 织造工艺的生产实践、各工序的技术关键和牛仔布的风格。

  • They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit .

    他们指控他 编织了一个满是谎言和欺诈的骗局。

  • These days much of my time is spent weaving my way around drinks parties

    这些天,我多半都是在酒会上 晃悠过去的。

  • Our products include straw weaving bamboo weaving and awn weaving and metal products .

    我们的产品包括草编 织品,竹编织品,芒编织品和金属制品。

  • Ancient India had marvelous craftsmen skilled in pottery weaving and metal working .

    古代印度有了非凡的工艺,熟练于陶器、 编织和金属作品。

  • The quality of the sizing is the guarantee to enhance efficiency of weaving loom and the quality of production .

    抓住浆纱工作的质量,是提高 织机生产效率和产品质量的可靠保证。

  • And it also introduces the popularization bamboo animal weaving .

    并介绍了 竹编动物的普及。

  • Straw sandals need no last ; the shape comes with the weaving -- work things out as you go along .


  • Needles are weaving up and down the front opposite the knitting needle knitting needle is not .


  • This paper discusses fabric structure and new weaving technology of straight warp conveyor belt .

    本文叙述了直经输送带的结构和新 织造工艺。

  • Systematically presents the weaving technology and newly_developed products of heavy silk fabrics .

    系统地阐述了真丝重磅织物的 织造工艺及系列产品的开发成果。

  • China was the first country in the world to cultivate silkworms and develop silk weaving . More than 3 years ago sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed .

    中国是世界上最早发明养蚕和 丝织的国家;早在3多年以前,蚕桑、丝织已相当发达。

  • Now the swindlers asked for more money silk and gold-cloth which they required for weaving .

    这两个骗子又要了很多的钱,更多的丝和金子,他们说这是为了 织布的需要。

  • Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries .


  • This embroidery weaving system is aimed at producing fabrics for e.g.curtains and shirting .

    此台绣花 织布机主要用于织造窗帘布和衬衫面料等。

  • The annular fabric is woven by a weaving machine which is rebuilt mechanisms of drawing shaping and beating etc.

    在现有的 织机基础上,通过对送经系统、织物成形和打纬等机构的改造,织 出了圆环形织物。

  • Woven Wire Cloth is manufactured by crimping wire strands and weaving the strands into a uniform pattern .

    编织网是由压接电线束生产和 编织成一个统一的模式中的一条。

  • Huang Daopo lived with Yi women and learnt from them the techniques of planting and spinning and weaving cotton .

    黄道婆和黎族姐妹一起生活,结下了深厚的友谊,也学到了一整套种植和 纺织棉花技术。

  • The first step in yarn preparation for both weaving and knitting is winding .


  • Weaving was the town 's chief craft .


  • We offer the products such as straw weaving bamboo weaving and awn weaving and metal products .

    我们能提供诸如草编 织品,竹编织品,芒编织品和金属制品等的产品。

  • Fabric : A cloth produced especially by knitting weaving or felting fibers .

    特别是针织, 机织,或毡纤维,所消费的布。

  • A loom for weaving figured fabrics .

    织出华丽 织品的织布机。

  • We also have knowledge and experience in weaving and using new and specialised materials .

    对于 织造和利用新材料、特殊材料,我们也富有相关知识和经验。

  • She was reputed as the Master of Weaving Needle and Silk .

    她被誉为 织造,针和丝硕士学位。

  • Materials can be made in several ways : by felting bonding knitting and weaving .

    纺织材料可以有几种制法:毡合法、粘合法、针织法和机 织法