well off

[wɛl ɔf][wel ɔf]


  • She was not well off and had a room to rent .

    她不 富裕,只得出租一间房子。

  • So was your father 's side more well off ?

    那么你父亲那边更 富有一些了?

  • If I work hard now when I retire I 'll be very well off financially .

    如果我现在辛勤工作的话,退休后就会 富足

  • Fools never know when they are well off .

    人若 愚痴,有福不知。

  • He is quite well off I hear .

    我听说他相当 富裕

  • When you have a good position in Afghanistan and are well off people look at you differently .

    她说:当你在阿富汗有很高的社会地位并且 富有,人们就会对你另眼相看。

  • Yet if you are reading this article you probably are relatively well off .

    不过,如果你在读这篇文章,你可能相对来说 生活 宽裕

  • If I could collect all the money they owe me I should be quite well off .

    我如能收回他们所欠我的款,我就会很 宽裕

  • Beside being better off than they already if my house had been burned or my crops had failed I should have been nearly as well off as before .

    况且我的光景已经比他们的好了许多,如果我的房子烧掉了,或者我歉收了,我还能跟以前 一样

  • Are your parents well off ?

    你的父母 富裕吧?

  • How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race sex and marital status .

    老年生活的 幸福程度在很大程度上取决于种族、性别以及婚姻状况。

  • He is well off running a grocery store .

    间杂货店 日子 不错

  • I 'm quite well off for sweaters having just received three for my birthday .

    刚收到三件作为生日礼物的毛衣,我现在有很多 毛衣

  • I 'm still single and my parents are quite well off .

    我仍是单身,而我父母亦很 健康 富足

  • We are well off now but we must not forget how poor we used to be .

    现在我们 日子 富裕 ,但是不要忘记过去我们是多么贫困。

  • Most of these people aren 't very well off

    这些人大都不算太 富裕

  • The couple is very well off with a big house fine jobs and three cars .

    那对夫妇 日子 宽裕,他们有一座大房子、不错的工作和三辆汽车。

  • Why does he want to invest in still another business ? doesn 't he know when he is well off ?

    为什么他还向另一家企业投资?难道他不知道他什么时候 运气

  • On paper you look well off when in practice you can be struggling .

    从账面上看,你 确实 富有,但实际上,你可能却是在苦苦挣扎。

  • The city is well off for parks and gardens .

    城市中有 大量的公园和花园。

  • My grandparents were quite well off .

    我的祖父母 富有

  • I can hardly believe that the villagers are all well off .

    我很难相信这些村民都 有钱

  • You do not need to look for another job & you are well off where you are .

    你用不着另找工作&你现在的 境况不错了。

  • Jack has just bought another new car ; he must be very well off .

    杰克刚买了一辆新车,他一定交 好运

  • When I 'm well off I 'll buy a jaguar .

    等我 有钱 ,我一定去买美洲豹牌车。

  • Although this family put up quite a front they really are not very well off .

    虽然这家人很会撑场面,其实并不 富裕

  • His parents are quite well off ; they have just bought him a new car for his birthday .

    他的父母很 有钱;为祝贺他的生日,他们给他买了辆新车。

  • I have to say I find it hard to believe too because I know you are as well off as I am if not more so .

    我必须说,我也不相信,因为我知道纵使你不比我 富裕,起码也像我 一样 有钱