welded chain


  • Carbide-tipped pulley grooving tool Welded steel type cranked link mill chains and chain wheels

    硬质合金 焊接皮带轮切槽车刀GB/T15390-1994工程用钢制 焊接弯板链和 链轮

  • There is wearable blocks welded at chain running way at drive frame .

    在机头架中 弯曲部位 链子运行轨道处 连接有耐磨块。

  • Conveyor pulley is furnished on its surface with welded teeth which are in mesh with chain belt .

    输送机滚筒表面 有齿块,与 链带啮合传动;

  • The results show that there exits a great difference of bearable mooring forces between welded chain and wire rope under different water depth wind wave and current .

    结果证明,在不同水深及风、浪、流的作用下, 电焊 锚链和钢丝绳所能承受的系泊拉力相差较大,从而为渔船锚泊规范制订提供了理论基础。