A warmhearted man acted as a go-between for him and introduced him to a girl .
一个 热心人牵线搭桥给他介绍了一位姑娘。
She made warmhearted inquiries about my health .
她对我的健康状况 亲热 地 问长问短。
However the research of the service system in the academe is not enough . There is lack of scientific analysis to the practice and warmhearted attention to the reality . So far the integrated theoretical system of the service has not come into being .
但理论界对送达制度研究不够,对 送达 的 内涵缺乏 有力 的 论证和系统的 阐述,缺乏对实务的科学分析和对现实的 热情 关怀,至今未能形成一套完整的送达制度理论体系。
Warmhearted honest serious with good manner and strong interpersonal skills ;
热情、诚恳、认真、 大方,有很强的人际沟通能力;
She was a warmhearted generous old lady .
她是一位 热 心肠的,慷慨的老太太。
We have ever seen numerous oranges no matter big small sour or sweet but are there anybody having seen one like the warmhearted big orange made by the orphans in adversity ?
大的、小的、酸的、甜的橘子我们都见过,但是谁曾见过这些身处逆境的孤儿们 亲手 制作 的 充满 人性 温暖的“大橘子”?
I dialed the wrong number last summer ; however it acquainted me with an innocent and warmhearted young girl just like an angel .
去年夏天,因为一个错误的电话,我认识了一个天真 无邪, 善良的,犹如天使般的小女孩。
He was warmhearted sensible and unshockable .
他是 个 亲切、明智、度量大的人。
They are cynical yet warmhearted plain spoken but smart and they have razor-sharp wit .
他们 热情、 玩世不恭、说话直率,但聪明,他们很有智慧。
To arouse the resonance of the students ' emotion by warmhearted love . I like to work with people who are honest dedicated to their work and have integrity .
因此,教师要重视感情的投入,以自己真诚的爱唤起学生的情感共鸣。我喜欢和诚实、对工作投入、 为人正直的人一起工作。
The mother and her child were fortunate because they met the warmhearted people ; but the nurse was more fortunate she not only saved two lives but also found her confidence and dignity back .
那对母子是幸福的,因为遇到了 热心人;但那位护士更是幸福的,她不仅挽救了两个生命,而且找回了自己的信心与尊严。
Thank you very much ! You are so warmhearted people !
很感谢你!你真是 个 热 心肠!
The Slavonic premier began talks with Merkel at his residence fair outside Moscow along congratulating her on Women 's Day which is warmhearted celebrated in Russia .
“妇女节”在俄罗斯广受重视。当天,普京与默克尔在位于莫斯科郊外的总统 官邸举行会谈,普京首先向这位德国女总理送上了节日的祝福。
In his former period works the attitude to death is listless concern but in his latter period works it is warmhearted resistance .
在他的前期作品中,对死亡的态度是冷漠关注,在后期作品中采取的态度则是 温情反抗。
Exert host 's imagination in warmhearted sitting room space construct harmonious and comfortable living atmosphere .
发挥主人的想象力在 温情的居室空间内,营造和谐舒适的生活氛围。
Though belonging to the anti-traditional modern art his works contain warmhearted humanism .
同样是反传统的现代艺术,村上隆的作品中 多了一 份 温情的人文关怀。
People would follow the governor who is happy in doing good things and is warmhearted to the public interest .
如果为政者,乐善好施, 热心公益,百姓也会跟着做。
But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife .
而很多男人需要的 只是一个如康乃馨 般 温情宽容的妻子。
Longmen 's villagers are very warmhearted .
龙门人都是非常 热情的。
A ruddy complexion ; Santa 's rubicund cheeks ; a fresh and sanguine complexion . I feel your bright red cheeks have been refreshing my heart all this long time encouraging me to be warmhearted .
红润的面色;圣诞老人红红的脸颊;鲜亮、红晕的面色。我觉得你那红润新鲜的脸颊一直在滋润着我的心,鼓舞着我的 热情。
One day Mike wants to go to Xidan and a warmhearted Beijing girl is telling him the way .
一天,麦克要去西单,一位 热心的北京姑娘正在给他指路。
In order to give customers with quality products arid warmhearted service ;
为了更好地给客户提供优质的产品与 贴心的服务;
Gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger .
给予陌生人 热心的欢迎。
The conversation became almost warmhearted you might say .
对话变得,可以说是, 充满 人 情味。
I feel your bright red cheeks have been refreshing my heart all this long time encouraging me to be warmhearted .
我觉得你那红润新鲜的脸颊一直在滋润着我的心,鼓舞着我的 热情。
Cultivating a warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease and helps remove whatever fears and insecurities we may have .
培养对人的 热诚之心,将会自动的使心灵安详,帮助我们消除所有的恐惧和不安。
She is a lively impetuous woman but very warmhearted .
她总是充满活力,快人快语,而且 心地也非常 善良。