With the watch I found in his pocket .
我在他 口袋 里找到的 表有关。
The minutes ticked by from the round watch in Ennis 's pocket from the sticks in the fire settling into coals .
只听得埃尼斯 口袋 里 的 怀表滴答作响,只见火堆里的木头渐渐燃成木炭。
But the White House says the president paused for a moment to slip the watch in his pocket before plunging his hands back into the crowd .
但是白宫方面说,总统当时略为停顿,把 手表 装进了 口袋,然后又把双手伸向欢迎人群。
The evening news The news is on 24 / 7 . And if you 're not at home to watch it that 's OK & it 's on the smartphone in your pocket .
新闻随时都可以 看,不在家也没关系 掏出你 口袋 里的智能手机就好了。
When a child arrived late I went through an elaborate ceremony of taking the watch from my pocket and staring at its face ;
孩子们迟到时,我如同检查一次精心准备的典礼,从 口袋中拿出 怀表,并盯着表盘看上一会儿;
Can you abstract the watch from my pocket without my knowing it ?
你能从我 衣袋 里 把 表 偷走而不让我察觉吗?
My watch dropped out of my pocket .
我的 表 从 口袋 里掉了出来。
` Twenty - two minutes after eleven ' returned Passepartout drawing an enormous silver watch from the depths of his pocket . The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .
路路通伸手从裤腰上的 表 口袋 里掏出一只大银 表,回答说:十一点二十二分。维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。
Watch : Portable timepiece designed to be worn on the wrist or carried in the pocket .
表:戴于手腕或 置于 口袋的可携式定时器。
Okay but we are saying that the universe is like a pocket watch in being complex and regular pocket watches have a designer-oh I see .
但是我们说,宇宙像一个 怀表,非常复杂,非常规律的 怀表有一个设计师,哦我明白了。
Look at or watch ( sth ) carefully I scanned my pocket for change .
仔细察看或 注视(某事物)我仔细查看 口袋 找零钱。
He said turning to alice : he had taken his watch out of his pocket and was looking at it uneasily shaking it every now and then and holding it to his ear .
他问爱丽丝,一面从 衣袋 里 掏出了一 只 怀表,不安地看着,还不停地摇晃,拿到耳朵旁听听。
Jack stroked the watch affectionately with his finger and returned it to his pocket .
杰克用手指爱惜地抚摸这块 手表,然后将它 放 回 口袋 里。
This young man slipped a watch into his pocket without the teacher 's knowing it / being noticed by the teacher .
这个小伙子偷偷把一块 表塞进 口袋,没让老师看到。
As he stepped up to the cab he pulled a gole watch from his pocket .
他在登上马车时,从 口袋 里掏出一块金 表。
He took a watch from his pocket and Alice heard him say that he would be late .
他从 口袋 里拿出一个 手表,同时爱丽丝听见他说,他要迟到了。
Your watch may be in your pocket .
你的 手表可能在你的 口袋 里。
Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped ?
我的 表停了,我把它放在 口袋 里要带到商店里去,那 块 手表在哪?
I 'm thinking it has something to do with the watch I found in his pocket .
我想这个和我在 口袋 里发现的 手表有关。
By1900 almost every house had a clock and nearly every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a Chain tucked in his vest pocket .
到1900年,几乎每家都有一个钟,几乎每位穿着讲究的绅士都带一块 表,并用表链连着放在马甲 口袋 里。
美[wɑtʃ ˈpɑkɪt]英[wɔtʃ ˈpɔkit]