The Effect of Transition Metals Present in Wash Water on the Brightness and Chromaticity of Bleached Kenaf TMP
洗涤 用水中的过渡金属离子对漂白红麻化机浆白度和色度的影响
A concrete method about reducing the influence of wash water when measuring the pressure ( differential pressure ) of easy crystal medium is discussed . A simple calculation method of wash water orifice size is discussed too .
讨论在测量易结晶介质的压力(差压)时,减少 冲洗 水影响的具体方法,探讨冲洗水节流孔板孔径的简单计算方法。
As the slurry flow in a laminar flow state together with wash water and the role of vibration cone making the equipment strict accordance with the mineral density to separation .
由于矿浆流态处于层流状态,加上 洗涤 水流和振动锥面对颗粒的作用,使得设备在分选一定粒度范围的细粒级物料时,严格的按照矿物的密度对物料进行分选。
In He ` s backyard wash water keeps several green onions surviving which might be his only harvest this year .
在他家的后院里,一些 嫩洋葱靠着生活 废水维持着生机,这或许是他今年唯一的收成了。
Design and Practice for the Reuse of Nitrobenzene Wash Water
硝基苯 水洗废水套用流程的设计与实践
Through the use of the medium mutants can adapt to the hydrolysate with a high osmotic pressure better use of sugar in wash water for similar fermentation parameters to control pure sugar fermentation .
通过突变株对预处理水洗液培养基的利用,发现突变株能适应水洗液中较高渗透压,对 水 洗液中的糖分利用较好,发酵参数与对照纯糖发酵基本相似。
The wastewater consist of the sludge flushed out from the sedimentation tanks and the wash water disposed from the filter beds .
这些污水主要来自沉淀池或澄清池的排泥水和滤池的 反 冲洗 排水,这些污水如果不经处理直接排入 水体,不但 污染 水体,而且浪费了大量的 水 资源。
Some dishwashers now come with a disposal that grinds up larger food particles so they can be rinsed away with the wash water .
现在有的洗碗机来处理,研磨出了这么大的食物微粒可漂洗取消 洗 用水。
Attachment : If the wash water to hard water soap lotion dosage should be appropriately increased .
附:若 洗涤 用水为硬水,皂洗剂用量应适当增加。
Recently surimi production was increasing and surimi wash water containing large of protein was discarded which not only wasted resources but also polluted environment .
近年来,鱼糜的生产量越来越大,包含着大量 水溶性蛋白质的鱼糜 漂洗 水被直接排掉,不仅浪费了资源,而且污染了环境。
Because of being subjected to the different conditions coal slurry water processing technology of Xinghua Coal Preparation Plant affects closed-circuit circulation of wash water .
由于受不同条件的制约,杏花选煤厂煤泥水处理工艺影响了 洗 水的闭路循环。
Reclaimation and Recycle of the Wash Water in Water Treatment Anionic Exchanger
水处理阴离子交换器正 洗 水的回收及再利用
Recirculation of Cloth Wash Water of Vacuum Filter in Closed Circuit to Diminish River Pollution
吸滤 机洗布 水封闭循环使用减少江河污染
The influence of wash water feed pulp density deck slope deck amplitude and mass feed are reported .
叙述了 冲洗 水、给矿浓度、床面倾角、床面冲程及给矿量对摇床选别的影响。
The addition of DTPA to the wash water not only will retard brightness loss resulted from transition metals but also uphold the yellow shade .
洗涤 用水中加入DTPA不仅避免了由于过渡金属离子的存在而带来的白度损失,而且可以减轻纸浆的黄色调。
Discussion of Wash Water Orifice Size Calculation
冲洗 水节流孔孔径计算的探讨
The corrosion protection study emphases are : to facilities material enhancing the reasonable choice of anticorrosion material and facial protection ; enhancing the electrical desalting / dewatering of petroleum adding the wash water / emulsion breaker adding inhibitor and neutralizer etc.
腐蚀研究与防护的重点主要是合理选择抗腐蚀材料与加强表面防护,加强原油的电脱盐/电脱水、注 新鲜 水/加破乳剂、注缓蚀剂和注中和剂等。
The position of wash water box of disk filter and distribution area between filtrating and washing are very importand they must be regulated with operation conditions .
翻盘过滤 机洗 水箱位置与滤洗区分配对工艺的影响不可忽视,必须根据生产情况作调整。
Chlorides enter the system with the feed from the reactor catalyst with make-up hydrogen especially if un scrubbed reformer gas is used and with the wash water .
反应催化剂中的氯化物会随原料、补充的氢气(尤其是当重整反应器中的气体不够纯净的时候)以及 水洗 水进入系统。
Can be any color of ribbon above the printing of text and graphics environmental protection wash water does not fade .
个颜色。油墨符合欧盟环保要求, 洗 水不掉色。自设工厂,起版做货快捷。
Although the role of oxygen in the corrosion process has not been clearly resolved most operators take steps to minimize the amount of oxygen introduced with the wash water .
尽管还不清楚氧在腐蚀过程中起什么作用,大部分经营者还是采取措施来减少 冲洗 水带来的氧量。
A section of the road between the wheel washing bay and the public road shall be paved with a fall towards the site to prevent wash water or other site run-off from entering public road drains .
在清洗车轮工作台与公共道路之间的一段路面,应向工地方向铺筑斜坡,以防 洗涤 水或工地的其他径流流入公共道路的排水渠。
The reutilization of water in PVC production were introduced including mother liquid ; steam condensate seal water ; waste water and wash water .
介绍了对PVC生产过程中产生的母液水、蒸汽冷凝水、轴封水、废水与 冲洗 水的回收利用工作及取得的经济效益。
As the quality of the waste water from wash water injection wells is complicated and has a wide range of variation it is difficult to use usual methods for the controlling of dosing .
由于 洗井废水 水质复杂、变化范围大,一般的投药控制方法难以应用。
Water Treatment Technique of Dust Wash Water of Converter and Its Study in Jinan Iron and Steel Group
济钢转炉烟尘 洗涤 水处理技术及其研讨
The process design was then given for a 500t / year membrane separation project the results showed that the integral membrane process resulted in high yield low wash water demand and little waste water .
以年产500吨L-phe的膜分离工程为例,进行了工艺设计和计算,结果表明膜集成工艺具有L-phe收率高、 洗 水量少、废水排放量少等优势。
Wash water standard size mark ;
洗 水标、尺码标;
One explosion occurred on a river bank near to an outlet carrying waste wash water .
其中一次爆炸发生在接近 洗涤 废水出口的河岸上。
This paper introduces to us the recycle of the wash water in water treatment anionic exchangers in power plants and the application is analyzed and evaluated .
介绍了对电厂化学水处理强碱性逆流再生阴离子交换器正 洗 水的回收再利用情况,并对其实际应用情况进行了总结、评价。
The hardware of system takes high precision acceleration sensor and high resolution data acquisition card to acquire the vibration signal which produces on the wash water striking the wall of polymerizers . Then the data is transmitted to the central control room by the wireless bridge .
该系统硬件采用高精度加速度传感器和高分辨率数据采集卡采集 清洗 水柱冲击聚合釜壁产生的振动信号,并通过无线网桥传输方式将采集数据实时传输至远端中控室。
美[wɑʃ ˈwɔtɚ]英[wɔʃ ˈwɔ:tə]