watch over

[wɑtʃ ˈovɚ][wɔtʃ ˈəuvə]


  • I will take the child and watch over him .

    我会带他去并 照顾他。

  • The girls are keeping watch over the flock .

    姑娘们 看护她们的羊群。

  • Be ever vigilant ; keep close watch over your thoughts ; extricate yourself from the mire of evil .

    永远保持警觉;密切 注意你的思维;从邪恶的泥沼中救出你自己。

  • Will you watch over me ?

    你是不是会 一直 看着我?

  • Will you watch over the baby while I 'm out ?

    我外出时你 照料这个婴儿好

  • And from that throne I shall watch over you .

    在这个王座之上,我将 看着你们。

  • There should be a lifeguard to watch over you at all times .

    你得随时有救生员在旁边 看护 你。

  • I pray that God will watch over you .

    我祈祷上帝 保佑你。

  • A man keeps watch over the bank at night .

    有人在夜间 看管银行。

  • Be good my son and God will watch over you as he has me .

    乖一点,我的孩子,如果上帝将我收回,他会 照看你的。

  • Do you think we can watch over the top ?

    你认为我们能都 一遍超越颠峰”吗?

  • My mother come to live with us so that we could watch over her in her old age .

    我母亲来和我们一起住,这样我们就能 照看年事已高的母亲了。

  • Can you keep watch over the goods until my partners come back ?

    你能 看着这些货物直到我父母回来吗?

  • These websites offer young people the information and tools they need to watch over their money .

    这些网站为年轻人提供所需的信息和工具以 管理他们的 钱财

  • The frontier guards ever on the alert stand watch over the borders of our country .

    边防部队 常备不懈地守卫 祖国边疆。

  • May there always be angels To watch over you ;

    愿那儿总有天使 周围, 细心 照顾你;

  • They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season .

    在整个生长季节,他们都认真地 葡萄园。

  • Who would watch over them after I was gone ?

    我要是死了,谁 接我的

  • That you can watch over and over and over again .

    所以你可以 一边又一边地

  • Could you watch over my dog while I am on holiday ?

    我度假的时候,你能 照顾我的狗吗?

  • In my opinion you should watch over your child who often wanders in the streets .

    依我看来,你应该 看管好你那个孩子,他经常在街上徘徊。

  • Piease watch over my brother untii I get back .

    在我回来前请你帮忙 照顾我哥。

  • I watch over this place every day just to catch people like you .

    我每天 看管这个地方就是为了抓住你这样的人。

  • He is very ill and needs someone to watch over him all the time .

    他的病很重, 身边离不 人。

  • She has watched many generations grow and I hope she will continue to watch over me .

    她已经看着几辈人的成长,我希望她可以继续 看护 我。

  • The childcare worker kept a good watch over the children .

    保姆一直 孩子 照料 很好。

  • ' I ' he finished poetically ' will watch over you to the break of day . '

    “我,”他以富有诗意的语言结尾,“将 守候 你,直至晨光初露。”

  • My teachers and other students always watch over me .

    平时我老师和其他学生都 观察我。

  • You go swimming please . I 'll watch over the clothes here .

    请你去游泳吧,我来 照管这些衣服。

  • The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built .

    最初雇门卫是为了 看护正在修建的房子。