The problems of disulfide and caustic liquid entrainment and waste caustic residue existed in caustic sweetening process are discussed . The improving technical route is proposed .
同时分析了液化气碱法脱臭工艺存在的二硫化物夹带、碱液夹带和 废碱渣等问题,提出了改进的工艺技术路线。
Calcium hydroxide was used to treat the black waste after treatment by electrolysis . The black waste after caustic treatment can be used directly to steaming stage .
采用氢氧化钙对电解处理后的清黑液进行 苛 化处理,处理后 废水可以用于蒸煮。
Most of the by-products that formed are discharged from the reactor in the form of waste water after caustic washing while the other small part comes to the distillation system as the light weight oil and X oil .
形成的氧化副产物小部分随产物进到蒸馏系统形成轻质油和X油,大部分通过 氢氧化钠 碱洗形成 环己烷氧化 废碱液排出装置。
Presently there 've been no new breakthroughs in comprehensive utilization of the waste caustic liquid from ethylene cracking both domestically and internationally .
目前,国内外在乙烯裂解 废碱液综合利用方面尚无新的突破。
Spent caustic liquid from ethylene cracking is the waste caustic liquid produced from the caustic scrubbing of cracking gas in ethylene plant .
乙烯裂解 废碱液是乙烯装置在裂解气碱洗过程中产生的一股碱性 废液。
The commercial operation shows that the refined diesel has met all specifications of standard . The diesel yield is increased to 99 . 97 % from 99 . 00 % and amounts of spent caustics and waste water are greatly reduced as compared with caustic wash electric refining process .
工业应用结果表明,直馏柴油经精制后其质量完全达到柴油质量标准要求,与该 厂原来采用的 碱洗精制工艺相比,柴油收率由99.00%提高到99.97%,碱渣和 废水排量大大降低。
Reclaim of alkali from alkali waste of FCC naphtha caustic wash
FCC汽油 碱 精制后 碱渣中碱的再生
Wet air oxidation treatment of waste caustic liquor from refinery and ethylene plant
炼油及乙烯装置 废碱液湿式氧化处理 工艺的研究
Industrial solid waste which is mainly caustic sludge slag and fly ash there is a source of fragmentation not easy to collect and so on .
这其中工业固体 废弃物主要为 碱渣、炉渣和粉煤灰等,存在着源头零散化、不易收集等特点。
Higher energy consumption and more discharge of waste caustic liquid .
能耗较高, 废碱液排放较多。
Feasibility safety and economy of converting waste caustic soda from VCM production into sodium hypochlorite for purging acetylene and its employment in production are discussed on both theory and practice .
论述了氯乙烯 废碱制乙炔净化用次氯酸钠从理论和实践上的可行性、安全性及经济性,并在生产中运用。
Converting waste caustic soda from VCM production into sodium hypochlorite for purging acetylene Production of Liquid Micro-Element Fertilizer Using Scrap Alkaline Zinc-Manganese Battery and Its Effect on Corn
利用氯乙烯生产中产生的 废碱制乙炔净化用次氯酸钠利用废碱锰电池研制有机微肥及肥效试验
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