
[ˈhwɛðɚ, ˈwɛð-][ˈweðə(r)]



  • You 'll be given regular blood tests to show whether you have been infected .

    你将接受定期的血液检查以确定你 是否已被感染。

  • The council is considering whether to approve of the use of firearms

    政务委员会正在考虑 是否要批准动用武器。

  • I don 't know whether people will buy it or not

    我不知道 是否会有人买。

  • It 's not a case of whether anyone would notice or not .

    这不是会 不会有人注意到的问题。

  • Whether they say it aloud or not most men expect their wives to be faithful .

    大多数男人还是希望他们的妻子对自己忠诚, 不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。

  • I had a cold and couldn 't decide whether to go to work or not

    我感冒了,拿不定主意 是否要去上班。

  • Think it over and let me know whether you agree with me .

    好好寻思一下,然后告诉我你 是否同意我的意见。

  • It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the democrats

    还不 清楚总统是否愿意和民主人士洽谈。

  • There is energy working around us all the time whether we are aware of it or not .

    在我们周围总是有能量在做功, 不管我们是否察觉到它。

  • It doesn 't matter to me whether you go or not .

    你去或不去,对我 没关系。

  • You examine a patient and then you decide whether or not to operate .

    先为病人作检查,然后再决定 是否做手术。

  • Whether it turns out to be a good idea or a bad idea we 'll find out


  • I can 't say whether he is coming or not .


  • To this day it 's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered

    至今尚不清楚他 究竟是饮弹自杀还是被谋杀。

  • They now have two weeks to decide whether or not to buy

    现在他们有两周时间决定 到底买还是不买。

  • The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims .

    问题是他 是否完全意识到了这些要求。

  • This blood test will show whether or not you 're immune to the disease

    这个血检会显示你 是否对这种疾病具有免疫力。

  • She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions

    她对在这些地区刺激投资 是否可行表示怀疑。

  • It 's uncertain whether they will accept the plan

    还不确定他们 是否会接受这一方案。

  • There 's some question as to whether he will sign this resolution


  • I don 't know whether they 've found anybody yet .

    我不 知道他们有没有找到什么人。

  • This happens whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families


  • I could feel blood draining from my face . I wondered whether I was about to black out

    我能感觉到血从我脸上流下来。我想我是 不是要晕过去了。

  • It 's questionable whether anything of substance has been achieved


  • Whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to predict .


  • I don 't know whether to hate or pity him .

    我不 知道 恨他,还是该同情他。

  • You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you

    你可以弄 清楚他们 是否愿意和你一起分担买花的费用。

  • Regardless of whether he is right or wrong we have to abide by his decisions .


  • We shall be able to tell whether you 've kept your side of the bargain .

    我方应能 知道你方 是否遵守了协议。