well nigh


  • That little idea of using Mr. Slope as a counterpoise to his wife had well nigh evaporated .

    利用斯洛普先生抵制他太太的那个小计划已经 差不多烟消云散了。

  • So it is difficult if not well nigh impossible .

    所以 改善 下属 生活即使不是 完全不可能,也是相当困难的。

  • And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck .

    试想一下,开一辆二手的现代 伊兰特与开一辆崭新的美洲豹XJ之间的差别,肯定没有开车与徒步跋涉烂泥滩之间的差别明显。

  • Day is done gone the sun From the lake from the hills from the sky ; well safety nest God is nigh .

    白天已过,太阳西落, 跃入湖水, 下山岗,暂别天上; 一切宁静 安详,上帝在 身旁

  • The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself .

    表达一个想法的能力与 这个 想法本身的一样重要。

  • I think it 's well nigh impossible to draw the line between carelessness and negligence .

    我认为粗心和疏忽 几乎是无法区分的。

  • Many a time their foot had well nigh slipped ; but He in mercy held them up .

    多少时候他们的脚滑 了;但是 用祂的慈爱扶他们起来。

  • Dialect oriental or occidental as it came into being was well nigh inseparable with sophistry .

    辩证法,不论东西方,在它产生之时,都与诡辩论有着 难解难分的联系。

  • It 's extremely difficult well nigh impossible to choose between them .

    在这两者之间进行选择极其困难, 近乎不可能。

  • That has been my stated policy well nigh two thousand years .

    这也是我 2000年来的既定原则。