wedge test


  • Research on Drawing Wedge Test for Sheet Strips

    板条拉 试验的研究

  • Emphases on introduces mechanism and control means of more wedge - strip torque self-adapted drive framework simulator . The equipment used synthetically technique about machine electron test and control and so on . It is a type machine & electron incorporated production .

    重点介绍多 带小车、扭矩自适应传动机构和模拟假人三部分机械结构和控制方法,该设备综合应用了机械,电子, 测控等技术,是典型的机电一体化产品。

  • So the influence of wedge on determination dynamic fracture toughenss is smaller for shorter wedge correspond with the precision of test was higher .

    因而 楔形头尺寸越小,对动态断裂韧度测试的影响越小, 试验精度越高。

  • The measured x-t relation of the shock wave by wedge test and different Lagrangian pressure profiles show that the build up of shock waves in the explosive only partially fulfills the hypothesis of the single curve build up .

    本文用 楔形炸药 样品测得冲击波在炸药内的x-t关系以及不同Lagrangian压力剖面说明:冲击波在炸药内的增长并不完全满足单一曲线增长的假设。

  • In this paper according to the bush-burning problem in the application of elasto-metal plastic water pilot bearing of the vertical hydraulic generator the construction of the bearing is designed with multiple crescent wedge spiral bearing camber Results of field test show that the design is practicable

    本文根据立式水轮发电机水导弹性金属塑料轴瓦在应用中存在的烧瓦问题,设计出分段月牙 螺旋承重面的水导弹性金属塑料轴瓦结构,通过现场运行 试验,验证了设计的可行性

  • Photographic films and papers Wedge test for brittleness

    GB/T6849-1995照相胶片和相纸脆性 试验方法

  • Among them the wedge splitting test is preferred as it might become a promising test standard for fracture energy of concrete .

    其中, 楔入劈拉 件因其在实际操作过程中的诸多优点而有希望成为测试混凝土断裂能GF的标准。

  • Study about the Fracture Properties of Concrete Using Wedge split Tensile Test

    利用 劈拉伸 试验研究混凝土的断裂特性

  • However the actual sound absorption capability of wedge was different from the result that obtained from sound pulse tube test . The sound reflected by the wall could bring the multiple absorption of the wedge which enhance the capability of the actual absorption .

    尖劈敷设在结构表面时,实际吸声性能与声脉冲管 实验中所 测试的不同, 舱室混响将增强尖劈的实际吸声作用。

  • The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of positive patients rose at the same time cardiac index fell to the extreme instantaneously after loading in volume-loading test and then they restored to the basic level until 60 minutes .

    容量负荷 试验阳性者,容量负荷后即刻肺毛血管 压(PCWP)升高,心脏指数(CI)降低,分别达到极值,60min恢复至基础水平。

  • Experimental Study Using Wedge - Splitting Test on Compact Tension Specimens

    楔入 紧凑拉伸断裂 试验研究