


  • The instrument has been applied in many coal mines and the well-content effect gotten also .

    该设备已在很多煤矿应用,取得了 十分 满意的效果。

  • It is no doubtable that the efficiency of current enterprise income tax system is not well-content .

    毫无疑问,现行企业所得税制度的效率状况并不是 令人 十分 满意的。

  • Work to publicizing a thought municipal Party committee is well-content what also get whole town people is accepted .

    对宣传思想工作,市委是 十分 满意的,也得到全市人民的公认。

  • It takes a lot of money and time for parents to choose a well-content daycare centre where their kid has the first lesson in life .

    幼儿园则是孩子 接受 教育的第一课堂,为孩子选择一 合适的幼儿园也 成为家长们的烦心事儿。