wet compression

[wɛt kəmˈprɛʃən][wet kəmˈpreʃən]


  • Wet compression as an approach for enhancing turbine compressor efficiency has been receiving increasing attention nowadays .

    湿 压缩作为一种增加压气机效率的手段正日益受到关注。

  • Wet compression has been a focus in the field of compressor during these years for the fact that it can effectively improve the characteristic of gas turbine .

    湿 压缩 技术能够有效提高燃气轮机的性能,近些年该技术成了压气机领域的一个热点。

  • Wet compression process has great difference from general dry air compression process so need to reserch in theory .

    湿 压缩热力学过程与干压缩过程比较来说发生了很大的变化,需要自理论上加以研究。

  • Water is refrigerant and cooling liquid in the special wet compression .

    在系统中,水既为制冷剂又为冷却剂,这种 压缩是一种特殊的 湿 压缩方式。

  • Studies on the Stability of Wet Compression Gas Turbine System

    湿 压缩燃气轮机稳定性研究

  • Wet Compression Experiment and Application of Gas Turbine

    燃气轮机 湿 压缩试验与应用研究

  • Based on mentioned above multi elemental section constant pressure mathematical models for actual wet compression processes was established .

    在了解 湿 压缩过程中的 滴蒸发速率、蒸发时间等基本理论的基础上建立了 湿 压缩过程的等压微元段的实际 湿 压缩的数学模型。

  • Inhibitory effect of esmolol on cardiovascular response to adrenalin wet compression for hemostasis in burn wound

    艾司洛尔对烧伤创面肾上腺素液 湿 止血的心血管反应平抑效果观察

  • In consideration of the influence of wet compression and the volume effects of mixing rooms afterburners combustors and outlet ducts as well as the modulation of variable geometry channels the whole status dynamic mathematical model for a turbofan engine is established .

    考虑 湿 压缩的影响,结合混合室、加力燃烧室、主燃烧室和外涵道的容积效应,建立了混排涡扇发动机的全状态数学模型。

  • From the scope of thermodynamics wet compression technique can effectively act as an inlet-cooling method improve the output of the turbine and then enhance the performance of the whole system .

    从热力学研究的角度, 湿 压缩技术可以对压气机进行有效的进气蒸发冷却,减少消耗的 压缩功,从而增加涡轮输出功,提高燃气轮机的性能;

  • At the stall boundary it mainly investigates the effect of wet compression on the shock the separated flow pressure ratio and efficiency .

    在失速边界上,研究了 加湿对激波、流动分离、压比以及效率的影响,重点分析了加湿对叶尖泄漏涡的影响。

  • An Analysis of the Influence of Wet Compression on the Post-stall Transient Response of a Compression System

    湿 压缩对压缩系统失速后瞬态响应的影响分析

  • I find that when tree species is different dry and wet compression shear strength is different obviously .

    对不同树种的干、 湿 压缩剪切强度进行了研究。

  • General Laws Governing Wet Compression Process in a Gas Turbine Plant and the Process Performance

    燃气轮机装置中 湿 压缩过程的一般规律及性能

  • Present Status of the Research and Development of Wet Compression Technology for Gas Turbine Power Plants

    燃气轮机装置 湿 压缩技术的研究发展状况

  • Process analysis of the saturated wet compression of compressor

    压气机饱和 湿 压缩过程的分析

  • Thermodynamics Index of a Wet Compression Process and Performance Analysis of a Wet Compression-based Gas Turbine Cycle

    湿 压缩过程的热力学指标及湿压缩燃机循环性能分析

  • By simulation although wet compression can effectively reduce the outlet temperature of the compressor obvious negative side effects exist for low pressure ratio axial compressors .

    结果表明, 湿 压缩能够有效降低压气机出口温度,且应用在压力较高的叶栅流道内更具有优势;

  • Study of Transient Characteristics of an Axial-flow Compressor in Wet Compression

    湿 压缩 状态下轴流压气机的瞬变特性研究

  • A Preliminary Study of Compressor Wet Compression Characteristics and its Calculation Model

    压气机的 湿 压缩特性及计算模型初步研究

  • But the intake air temperature is relatively high gas turbine performance degradation . There are many methods to reduce intake air temperature including wet compression that is an effective means .

    但是在进气温度比较高时,燃气轮机暴露出性能下降的不足,降低进气温度有很多方法,其中 湿 压缩就是一种有效的手段。

  • A Moore-Greitzer model of a wet compression system was set up which can be used to analyze the effect of wet compression on the post-stall transient response of a compression system .

    本文利用发展的预测轴流压缩系统动态 失速特性及进气非均匀性影响的理论模型,系统计算分析了进气总压畸变旋转频率对下游压气机稳定性的影响。

  • In the thesis ideal wet compression concept was given according to the basic thermodynamics analysis and the wet compression efficiency was defined also .

    在论文中按照热力学基本原理给出了理想 湿 压缩的概念,并定义了湿压缩效率。

  • A lot of wet compression 's experiment were made on the sigle-stage experiment the results show that wet compression increases compressor 's mass flow heighten the ratio of pressure lower temperature of compressor outlet .

    在单级 湿 压缩试验台上进行了大量进口喷水加湿试验,试验结果发现:湿压缩技术增加了压气机质量流量,提高了压比,降低了压缩终温。

  • The wet compression strength reflects the tensile resistance property of liquid bridge between solid particles .


  • Analysis of Wet Compression on the blades .

    分析 湿 压缩对叶片的影响。

  • Here in this dissertation the results of MATLAB simulation and numeric analysis may demonstrate that at first wet compression technique theoretically might not worsen the stability of the compression system and further might improve and even avoid the instabilities of stall and surge ;

    从MATLAB仿真和数值分析的结果可以说明:首先 湿 压缩技术在理论上不但不会恶化压缩系统的不稳定性而且可以改善和消除压缩系统的失速和喘振;

  • The viscosity and surface tension was improved by gel structure of bentonite colloid so the capillary force is increased and therefore the wet compression strength is improved .

    凝胶结构提高了粘结液相的粘度和表面张力,毛细力增大,生 抗压强度提高。

  • Research on the Characteristics of a Wet Compression Compressor

    湿 压缩压气机特性的研究

  • Application of wet compression technology with water injection in crack gas compressor

    喷水 湿 压缩技术在裂解气压缩机上的应用