



  • I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost .

    当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我 瞧见了一 样子

  • A Measurement System of Electric Parameters Based on DSP and WinCE

    基于DSP和 WinCE的电力参数测量系统

  • Study and Application of Intelligent Vehicle Terminal Based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE智能车载终端的研究与应用

  • A sound that made her wince .

    一种使她 畏缩的声音。

  • Now don 't wince and colour up !

    现在,不要 畏缩,不要脸红!

  • Embedded Real-Time Operating System Based on WINCE for Intelligent Sewing Equipment

    基于 WINCE的智能缝制设备嵌入实时操作系统

  • Design and Realization of Intelligent Terminal Core Board Based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE的智能终端核心板的设计与实现

  • ARM-WinCE-based Visualization of Man-machine Interactive Radio Interface Design and Implementation

    基于 ARM WinCE的电台可视化人机交互接口的设计与实现

  • Greetings involving kissing caused me to wince and hugging generally just made me feel awkward .

    打招呼时 要是有亲吻的话会让我 畏缩,而拥抱一般只会让我感到尴尬。

  • Every time he put any weight on his left leg he winced in pain

    只要左腿 ,他 就会 龇牙咧嘴

  • Communication of Elevator 's Multimedia System Based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE的电梯多媒体系统通信 设计 实现

  • Automobile fault monitoring system based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE的汽车故障监测系统

  • Deep-sea Data Collection & Transition System Design Base on Wince Platform

    基于 WINCE平台的深海数据采集与传输系统的设计

  • Design and Implementation of Embedded Multi-Functional Mobile Terminals Based on WINCE

    基于 WINCE的嵌入式多功能移动终端的设计与实现

  • I want to see you wince .

    我想看到你 还会 畏缩

  • Who smile and frown wince and hiss .

    他们微笑和皱眉, 畏缩与嘶嘘。

  • Research and Development of the Embedded Industrial Measurement System Based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE的嵌入式工业测量系统研究与开发

  • ' Shh ! ' Sunny winced .

    “嘘!”森尼 皱眉蹙额地

  • The Design And Realization Of Detection System Of Fetal Tone Based On WinCE

    基于 WinCE的胎音检测系统设计与实现

  • Palmprint identification system based on ARM and WinCE

    基于ARM与 WinCE的掌纹鉴别系统

  • Design of I / O control software based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE的I/O控制软件设计

  • Design of Multimedia Advertisement System Based on WinCE and GPRS

    基于 WinCE和GPRS多媒体广告系统设计

  • Design of motion control chip hardware and driver in WinCE

    WinCE 的运动控制芯片硬件及驱动程序设计

  • Design and Implementation of Layer Display in WinCE

    WinCE 操作 系统 分层显示的设计与实现

  • Design of Bus Device Driver under WinCE Embedded Operating System


  • The development of ship data recorder monitoring system based on WinCE

    基于 WinCE 平台的船舶数据记录仪监控系统开发

  • Agricultural Environment Monitoring Based on WinCE Embedded System Research

    基于 WinCE嵌入式农业环境监测系统研究

  • Application of WINCE and GPRS Monitoring System at the Sewage Process


  • She didn 't wince and her eyes were dry . Talk about brave . She was unbelievable .

    她连 眉头也未皱 一下,也没哭。说到勇敢,她令人难以置信。

  • He winced at the thought of dining with Camilla

    一想到要跟卡米拉一起吃饭,他 皱起 眉头