wind moment


  • The development of the wind tunnel balance measuring for tiny roll moment with gas bearing

    带气浮轴承的小滚转 力矩 天平的研制

  • The center of three-in-one combination means the optimum center of wind moment center of gravity and center of rotation of antenna system are Combined .

    天线系统的最佳 力矩中心、重心、旋转中心合而为一通常称三心合一。

  • As a gentle wind take a rest in a moment .

    当轻柔的 休憩的 瞬间

  • Firstly the inverse dynamic model is set up in this paper the force equations are based on Wind Axis system and the moment equations on the Body Axis system .

    首先推导了飞机运动的逆动力学模型。为使问题具有一般性,采用了刚体运动模型,其中力方程建立在 轴系中, 力矩方程建立在体轴系中,并且已知气动力模型;

  • The icy wind never let up for a moment .

    刺骨的 寒风不停地刮着。

  • But like this causes the consequence is the glory image which faces the wind your eucalyptus is destroyed in a moment completely many is not worth !

    而这样,导致的后果是把你 玉树临风的光辉形象全部毁于一旦,多不值得!

  • Feel the flames of the dream feel to dance in the wind the moment no longer be everything faraway the eternity is still .

    感受梦的火焰,感受 飞舞 瞬间,当一切不再遥远,永恒依然。

  • Look at me ! My wind may fail me at any moment .

    你瞧!我不定什么 时候一口气上不来 把我 断送了。

  • In order to simulate the aircraft moving in the wind the equation is deduced which describes the coupling moment between aircraft and atmosphere .

    为了更真实地模拟飞机在 中的运动情况,推导了飞机在 气流 中运动时气流 运动和飞机运动的耦合方程。

  • Starting today let us set the lifetime of the contract no matter how much wind and rain more urgent Review of the moment can be found in the eyes of each firm .

    从今天开始,让我们定下一辈子的契约,无论 有多大,雨有多急,回眸的 瞬间都能找到彼此坚定的眼神。

  • Offshore wind turbine towers are in general of great height and small stiffness . The wind load applied on the wind turbine tower may not only lead to a great overturning moment at its foundation but also cause vibration of the upper structure .

    近海风机塔架具有高度大,刚度小等特点,作用于 塔架的风荷载不仅会对其基础产生巨大的倾覆 力矩,还会引起上部结构的风致振动。

  • That was how my mood kept changing . Like a winter wind - halting a moment then blowing fiercer than ever .

    我的心就这么忽冷忽热,像冬天的 ,休息 一会儿,刮得更要猛;

  • Calculation of Wind Moment and Deflection at Top for Columns with One Hoop

    带有一个塔箍塔体 弯矩及塔顶挠度计算

  • I hung in the wind a moment before asking leave to step down .


  • Stars sea wind natural melting time as a whole the eternal and the staggered moment .

    星,海, ,在自然溶为一体的时间中,永恒和 瞬间交错。

  • The dynamic effect of wind induced vibration is not outstanding and the moment pressure enlarging effect of the fluctuation wind can be approximately considered by the gust factor .

    膜面的 振动力效应并不显著,可以近似采用阵风系数来考虑脉动风的 瞬时增压作用。

  • The influence on the tower stability of tower height wind load overturn moment is discussed and the stability of the tower in working conditions is checked .

    探讨了塔身高度、 载、倾覆 弯矩等因素对塔身稳定性的影响,并校核了STL80型塔式起重机在工作情况下塔身的稳定性。

  • Scarlett and Yao Mulan are the heroines in the Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Moment in Peking by Lin Yutang .

    斯佳丽和姚木兰分别是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《 》和中国作家林语堂的小说《 京华烟云》的女主人公。

  • Traditional control methods of wind power generation may produce high impact current at cutting-in moment which threatens the safety of generator and power system .

    传统的 风力发电并网技术在并网 瞬间会产生很大的冲击电流,严重威胁发电机及电力系统的安全。

  • The wind tunnel investigation for obtaining rolling moment with small asymmetry

    小不对称体滚动 力矩 风洞实验研究

  • The software design measuring the wind field in echo area by use moment invariant and correlation methods

    不变量和相关法测量雷达回波区 流场的软件设计

  • Damping dissipation energy which is about half of potential energy leads to significant increase of critical wind heeling moment .

    证明:阻尼耗散能达到位能之半,导致临界民 倾力短显著增大, 可忽略。

  • In order to estimate critical wind heeling moment accurately it is necessary to calculate the work produced by wave exciting moment and the kinetic enery increment produced by variable inertia moment .

    要准确地估算临界民 倾力知还需计及波浪扰动力矩作功和变惯性矩所引起的功能增量。

  • That certainty has economic value as a hedge even if the capital cost of wind and solar power stations is at the moment higher than that of coal-fired ones .

    虽然 目前 风能和太阳能电站的资本成本比燃煤电厂还要高,但作为保值措施,这种确定性具有经济价值。

  • A great wind rises and the summer is gone in a moment .

    大风 起来,夏天 一下就过去了。

  • Three-dimensional wind loads including along-wind across-wind load and torsion moment under different wind direction are mainly discussed and interfering shape coefficient due to adjacent tower tall building and local shape coefficient are analyzed .

    研究了不同风向角下顺风、 横风和扭转向的三维 荷载作用,分析了有多塔楼相互干扰的群体体型系数以及局部体型系数。