


  • You know I am supposed to have a windfall this year .

    你知道我今年有 财运

  • And with disproportionately large financial sectors these two countries have also enjoyed a financial windfall from the rise of China and other emerging markets .

    而且,由于它们拥有异常庞大的金融业,这两个国家也从中国和其它新兴市场的崛起中 了一 横财

  • Its push to invest in infrastructure and property has provided a windfall .

    中国大力投资基础设施和房地产的做法,为 这些 企业带来了 意外 收益

  • Africa 's seeds are a potential windfall investment for Monsanto .

    非洲的种子对孟山都公司的投资是一笔潜在的 横财

  • The only financial consolation for the next generation is the windfall when we leave them our houses .

    下一代人在财务方面的唯一安慰是,我们会把房子留给他们,这 可谓 横财

  • Call the windfall the real cost of the IPO .

    这笔 横财是IPO真正的“成本”。

  • For many the crisis has also handed them a windfall .

    对于许多人来说,危机也让他们发了一 横财

  • Are the Gulf countries handling their windfall any better this time ?

    海湾国家是否这次更好地处理了他们的 意外 收获

  • This is a goddamn windfall .

    这真他妈是一 横财

  • The government is making windfall profits from everyone by selling land .

    政府正在通过卖土地来 横财

  • So why do I now find the idea of a windfall tax on banks so appealing ?

    那麽为什麽我现在发现,向银行 徵收 意外 收入税这个主意很有吸引力呢?

  • They also make price volatility worse and reduce investment in new production because exporters cannot access high international prices governments often tax windfall profits from price rises and fluctuating prices increase risk and raise the cost of capital .

    由于出口商无法与较高的国际价格 接轨,这会导致资源价格更不稳定,并减少对新生产的投资。而政府往往又通过征税从价格上涨中 获益,波动的价格增加了风险和资金的成本。

  • Some analysts suggest keeping them running and imposing windfall taxes that could be used to promote renewable energy .

    一些分析者认为 其实可以 允许 电厂继续运行,但 应对它们征收 暴利税,而这 税收则可以用于推进可再生能源的发展。

  • Fate has offered him a windfall .

    命运给他 带来意外

  • Hedgers ' loss is others ' gain giving a temporary windfall to midwestern refiners .

    对冲者的损失即其他人的所得中西部炼油商获得了暂时性的 意外 收获

  • Imposing either a windfall tax or special curbs on bonuses is an understandable political response to what is happening .

    征收 暴利税或对奖金发放加以特别限制,是针对当前现实的政治回应,可以理解。

  • The money that my great-uncle left us was certainly a windfall .

    我的大叔叔留给我们的钱无疑是天上掉下来的 馅饼

  • Investors are hoping for a windfall .

    投资者希望能 横财

  • In the process it handed a windfall to both the investment bankers and their mainly institutional clients .

    上市过程中,它 是把一 意外 横财 拱手 送给了投资银行家及其主要由机构投资者构成的客户。

  • Russia and Brazil are benefiting from high commodity prices but are not attempting to invest their windfall in long-term economic development .

    俄罗斯和巴西得益于大宗商品价格的高企,但却没有打算将这笔 横财投资于长期经济发展。

  • Limiting rates paid to depositors also does not necessarily bestow windfall profits to banks .

    此外,对存款利率设限也未必会给银行 带来 暴利

  • It could be a windfall !

    这可能是个 意外 收获

  • The unassuming Texas resident celebrated his windfall by having a family portrait photograph taken Wednesday morning .

    这位德克萨斯居民在周三的早上全家照了一张全家福,以庆祝他 获得这份 意外

  • Mr wall wants to use the commodity windfall to build more infrastructure and fund more research and development .

    沃尔先生想要运用在商品上的 意外 获利去修建更多的基础设施和在研究发项目上提供更多资金。

  • This portfolio reallocation represents a pure windfall for the oil producers .

    这种投资组合的重新配置,对石油生产商而言,纯粹是一 意外

  • A one-off windfall tax on bonuses would make the pain ahead for society so very much more bearable .

    对奖金 徵收一次性的 意外 收入税,会让社会未来面临的痛苦变得容易忍受得多。