wide-angle lens

[ˈwaɪdˈæŋɡəl lɛnz][ˈwaɪdˈæŋgəl lenz]


  • The camera never lies & except when it has an ultra wide-angle lens attached .

    照相机从不说谎&除非用了超 广角 镜头

  • The geometric distortion is caused by using the ultra wide-angle objective lens which can ensure the image display system to generate 120 ° large field of view .

    为了保证图像显示系统能够产生120°的大视场,在系统中使用了超 广角 耦合 物镜,这样就不可避免地存在几何畸变。

  • A monocular target-localization algorithm and a control strategy are proposed for image distortion and loss of trajectory caused by the slope of camera wide-angle lens and limited view .

    针对导航中的图像 畸变以及视野有限易造成导航线丢失等问题,提出了一种简单的单 视觉目标定位算法和一种新的控制策略。

  • Wide-angle lens : Lens with wide covering power . It has a focal length which is less than the diagonal of the film format with which it is being used .

    广角 镜头:覆盖范围广阔的镜头.它的焦距长度短于所用菲林格式的对角线长度。

  • The patented wide-angle anamorphic lens generates and controls distortion and offers a larger image .

    专利 广角失真 镜头生成和控制失真,并提供更大的图像。

  • It features an ultra-long built-in40X optical zoom and a wide-angle lens in addition to automatic focus and image stabilization .

    除了自动对焦和图像稳定外,它还采用超长期、内置40X光学变焦和 广角 镜头

  • Is the photo effective because it is compressed with a telephoto or opened up with a wide-angle lens ?

    这张照片精彩是因为使用了长焦镜头,还是因为使用了 广角 镜头

  • Design making and test of super short-focus and wide-angle CID TV lens

    超短焦距 广角CID电视 镜头的设计、制造与检测

  • It discussed the correcting theory by the digital image processing technology firstly and then introduced correcting method for wide-angle objective lens .

    分析了利用数字图像处理进行 畸变校正的理论,采用 点阵 样板校正的方法,对 特殊 视场 广角 物镜 光学 系统进行 畸变 实时校正。

  • Accurate measurement of geometrical distortion of image display system with wide-angle objective lens is the precondition and key of digital distortion correction .

    准确地测量含有 广角 耦合 物镜的图像显示系统的几何畸变是实现图像显示系统几何畸变数字校正的前提和关键。

  • The imaging system consists of a color video camera an observation window and a turning mirror a wide-angle collector and collimating lens a video capture card as well as a portable computer .

    该成像系统由彩色摄像机、观察窗和转向镜、 广角收集和准直 透镜 、采集卡和计算机组成。

  • The image information is not accurate because of the distortion of wide-angle lens and splicing out of the image is meaningless .

    广角 镜头自身畸变的存在使得获取的图像信息不准确以及拼接出来的图像失去意义,本文主要是对 视场 广角 镜头 获取的畸变图像校正及校正后图像拼接进行了深入的研究。

  • Research of The Short Pinhole Wide-Angle CCD Lens

    小型针孔 广角CCD摄像 物镜研究

  • In the film and television works the wide-angle lens participation is indispensable .

    在影视作品中, 广角 镜头的参与是不可或缺的。

  • Optical design of a wide-angle lens for long-wave infrared earth sensors

    长波红外 广角 地平镜头的光学设计

  • A Digital Calibration Algorithm for Wide-angle Lens Distortion

    一种 广角 镜头 光学畸变的数字校正算法

  • Some advanced methods such as frame storage and subtraction technology and new devices such as CCD and wide-angle far-center fish-eye lens were used .

    根据来自激光制导武器的威胁,采用较为先进的光敏电荷耦合器件(CCD)和 广角远心鱼眼型 透镜的探测技术,以及帧存储和帧减法技术。

  • Distortion Correction of the Wide-Angle Objective Lens with Real-time Digital Technology

    视场 广角 物镜畸变的实时数字校正

  • To conduct a large scale measurement wide-angle lens is used in the camera and at the same time image distortion is introduced .

    为了实现在大范围内的测量,摄像机采用了 广角 镜头摄像,同时也引入了 比较 的图像畸变。

  • Where Swift 's BAT provided a wide-angle view the X-ray telescope aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory acted like a zoom lens and resolved details a hundred times smaller .

    凡Swift的英美烟草公司提供了一个 广角认为,船上钱德拉X射线天文台像变焦 镜头和解决详细百倍小担任X射线望远镜。