


  • Here 's to a green wholesome Halloween !

    让我们一起来过一个绿色、 健康的万圣节吧!

  • I had to say goodbye to plain wholesome food .

    我不得不放弃 有益 健康 家常饭了。

  • The wholesome education in nonage has a great significance for kids for building up their personalities .


  • This has had a wholesome effect on babies and parents .

    这对婴儿和父母都有 良好影响。

  • That would not be wholesome for us or anyone .

    这对我们或其他任何人而言都是 危险的。

  • My wife and I prefer plain wholesome food .

    我和我妻子都喜欢清淡、 干净的食物。

  • My ideal home must have a wholesome environment .

    我理想的家,必须有一个 有益 身心 健康的环境。

  • I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful natural wholesome things that money can buy .

    我认为性生活是金钱能买到的最美好的,自然的, 干净的东西之一。

  • Exercise develops wholesome appetites ; a grin on his ugly wholesome face .

    锻炼促进 健康的食欲;脸长得丑陋但健康的他咧嘴笑了。

  • To help students to understand accept and appreciate themselves leading to a wholesome character .

    协助学生认识,接纳和欣赏自己, 建立 健康的个人 形像

  • Films like that are not wholesome entertainment for young children .

    看那种电影对小孩子来说不是对 身心 健康的娱乐活动。

  • Water is a wholesome drink .

    水是 有益 健康的饮料。

  • Consequently businesses themselves are surely to benefit more from a wholesome market environment .

    商家自身也会因此从一个更加 健康的市场环境中得到更多的好处。

  • This is why one must cultivate wholesome thoughts .

    这是为什么人们要培养 健康的想法。

  • The Atkins diet and a fashion for gluten allergies have made wheat seem less wholesome .

    而阿金饮食法和对谷蛋白过敏的流行,也让小麦看起来不是那么 有益 健康

  • My mood this year is for a cosy nice and thoroughly wholesome Christmas .

    我今年想过一个温馨、愉快并且绝对 健康的圣诞节。

  • He paints wine-drinking and music-making and women engaged in wholesome pursuits such as pouring milk or lacemaking .

    他也画喝酒、作曲和从事 有益职业的如倒牛奶、做花边的妇女。

  • But your advertisements always illustrate a wholesome family restaurant .

    但是你们的广告总是标榜你们是一家 卫生的、 健康的餐厅。

  • They 're trying to show clean wholesome decent movies

    他们尽量播放文明、 健康、正派的电影。

  • In order to maintain physical well being a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise .

    为了维持身体健康,一个人应该吃 有益 健康的食品,并经常锻炼身体。

  • I like eating plain but wholesome meals .

    我喜欢吃清淡却 有益 健康的饭菜。

  • Would it not be better if they spent more money on wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread ?

    如果他们在橘子和全麦面包等 有益 健康 食品上多花些钱,岂不更好?

  • It is a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food whether stewed roasted Baked or Boiled .

    不论炖、烤、烘、煮,它都是一种味道鲜美、极富营养、 有益 健康的食物。

  • The food is filling and wholesome .

    这种食物既 充饥 营养

  • Wholesome fast food with unique flavour gives a share of pleasure to families of working couples .

    有益 健康、风味独特的快餐食品,给双职工家庭增添一份喜悦。

  • Buttermilk is liquid remaining after butter has come . When taken fresh it makes a wholesome beverage .

    酪乳黄油提走后所留液体。鲜食时它就成了 健康饮料。

  • Bread and milk is wholesome food .

    面包加牛奶是 有益 健康的食品。

  • So the meal that breaks your fast should be healthy and wholesome .

    因此解除禁食的这一餐应该是健康 有益的。

  • Therefore eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating at the party .

    因此,要 吃好早餐和午餐,以免在派对上吃得过多。

  • Young people enter marriage nowadays with a much more wholesome attitude .

    青年人现今对结婚的态度 审慎多了。