whole blood

[hol blʌd][həul blʌd]


  • Objective To compare relative parameters and clinical transfusion reaction of donors blood with filtered whole blood .

    目的研究白细胞过滤器过滤 前后,供者 血液有关参数的变化及临床输血反应的比较。

  • Objective To study the effects of temperature and sample store time on whole blood viscosity .

    目的探讨温度和 标本放置时间对 全血粘度的影响。

  • RNA from whole blood samples plainly frozen at-20 ℃ can be used in RT-PCR .

    简易冻存的外周 标本中提取的RNA,可用于RTPCR实验。

  • Influence of Acusector on Whole Blood of Multiple Mycoplasma Infection in White Rat with Compound Kidney Deficiency

    电针对肾虚型复合应激大鼠 全血多重支原体感染的影响

  • During acute normovolemic hemodilution autologous whole blood is collected in a series of collection bags containing anticoagulant .

    当进行急性等容血液稀释时,自体 全血收集在含有抗凝剂的采集袋中。

  • A volume of whole blood is withdrawn from the body and centrifuged to separate the white blood cells from the red blood cells and plasma which are immediately returned to the patient .

    一定量的 全血细胞被从体内回收,通过离心将白细胞和红细胞及血浆分离,之后立刻将分离的红细胞和血浆回输入患者体内。

  • Experimental study on serum potassium changes during compression transfusion of WBC removal whole blood

    加压输注去白细胞 全血过程中血钾浓度变化的实验研究

  • To feed ( animals ) with corn or grain . a culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrient .

    用谷物来饲养(动物)由 血液作为 全部营养物的培养基。

  • Study on the Colloidal Nutritious Material in Eutrophic Seawater ; a culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrient .

    富营养化水体中胶体有机营养物质研究由 血液作为 全部营养物的培养基。

  • Blood separator and method of separating a fluid fraction from whole blood .

    MilunicDavid:血液分离器以及从 全血中分离流体部分的方法。

  • Experimental study on PO_2 changes of whole blood under cold-storage in plastic and glass syringes

    塑料和玻璃注射器 全血冷藏氧分压改变的实验研究

  • The relationship between metabolic syndrome and whole blood viscosity at a high-shear rate Objective To study the effects of temperature and sample store time on whole blood viscosity .

    代谢综合征与 全血高切粘度相关性研究目的探讨温度和 标本放置时间对全血粘度的影响。

  • Potentially a straightforward method would be the analysis of lymphocyte marker molecule expression from whole blood samples .

    分析来自 全血样本的淋巴细胞标志分子的表达将有可能成为一种简单易行的方法。

  • It is an ideal method to determine trace Pb in whole blood .

    本法简单,快速是一种理想的 全血测定方法。

  • Circadian Variation of Plasma Cortisol and Whole Blood Reduced Glutathione in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients

    鼻咽癌患者 血浆可的松水平和 全血还原型谷胱甘肽含量的昼夜节律

  • Objective : inquire intoa handy practical drafting method of whole blood viscosity reference .

    目的:探讨一种简便实用的 全血粘度参考值制定方法。

  • A modified method for seperating neutrophils from whole blood was reported .

    报道一种从 全血中分离嗜中性白细胞的方法。

  • This guidance excludes all vaccines whole cells whole blood and plasma blood and plasma derivatives ( plasma fractionation ) and gene therapy APIs .

    本指南不包括所有疫苗、完整细胞、 全血和血浆、全血和血浆的衍生物(血浆成分)和基因治疗的原料药。

  • A culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrient .

    血液作为 全部营养物的培养基。

  • Study on the Determination of Tissue Factor Activity with Whole Blood Clotting Time

    利用 全血凝固时间测定组织因子活性的研究

  • CyA whole blood samples of rats and rabbits were determined by the modified method .

    并用该法测定了大鼠和家兔的 药浓度。

  • Besides direct injection and on-line SPE of urine and plasma samples the direct injection and in-line processing of whole blood will be addressed .

    除尿液和离子样本直接注入和在线SPE分析外,课程还将介绍 全血直接注入和整体处理。

  • Prolonged uremia significantly alters the ligand-binding properties of albumin and albumin contributes to whole blood acid-base buffering capacity .

    持续的尿毒症明显改变了白蛋白的配体结合特性,而白蛋白也与 血液酸碱缓冲能力有关。

  • Results All the values of whole blood viscosity plasma viscosity red cell aggregation index and plasma fibrinogen of the patients with fatty liver were higher than those of healthy people ( P0.01 ) .

    结果脂肪肝患者的 全血高切黏度、中切黏度、低切黏度、血浆黏度、红细胞聚集指数和纤维蛋白原均高于非脂肪肝人员(P〈0.01)。

  • A place for storing whole blood or blood plasma .

    储存 血浆或血清的地方。

  • Detection and clinical application of electrolyte in storage whole blood

    贮存 全血电解质的检测与临床应用

  • For thrombocytopenia traditional treatment is infusion of platelets or whole blood can also be taken to reduce the chemotherapy dose chemotherapy delay time approach .

    而对于血小板减少症的传统治疗方法是,输注血小板或 全血,也可采取降低化疗剂量,推迟化疗时间的办法。

  • Preparation and Evaluation of the Whole Blood Quality Control Material for T Lymphocyte Subsets Analysis

    T淋巴细胞亚群分析 全血质控物的研制与评价

  • Scientists have shown how an egg beater can be made into a hand-held centrifuge to separate plasma from whole blood for testing in resource-poor settings .

    科学家证明了一种打蛋器如何能够变成一种手持式的离心分离机从而在缺乏资源的环境下把血浆从 全血中分离出来用于测试。