whip hand

[hwɪp hænd][hwip hænd]


  • Adolf Hitler had the whip hand over the German people and the government after his spectacular rise to power in the1930s .


  • He had the whip hand throughout the debate .

    辩论中他始终 上风

  • As he laid on blows to the boy 's back a man came up and took the whip out of his hand .

    他鞭打男孩背部时,一个男人走过来 了他 手中 鞭子

  • Huawei our national enterprises need competition law in particular to safeguard the fair competition as many foreign companies like Cisco have already get whip hand in global market .

    联系思科诉华为一案,由于很多像思科这样的外国公司已经在全球市场上取得了 支配 地位甚至 垄断 地位,我国的企业就特别需要竞争法来保护自己公平参与市场竞争的权利。

  • Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and whip until thick with an electric hand mixer or food processor .

    将所有成分放在一个玻璃碗中,用一个 电动混合器或者食物处理机 泡沫直到粘稠为止。

  • Whip in hand the boss rushed at the black worker and laced into him .

    工头 鞭子,冲过去抽打那个黑人工人。

  • The other team holding the whip hand seemed to relax midwaythrough the first half .

    支球队控制了 场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

  • In jolly spirits they urged the horses on whip in one hand and reins in the other .

    他们欢快地一 鞭子 扯着缰绳,催马向前。

  • But in the real world creditors will always have the whip hand with debtors .

    但在现实世界里,债权人相对于债务人总是处于 支配 地位

  • The man came in with a whip in his hand .

    这个人进来了, 手里 着一个 鞭子

  • But surely one day even its leaders will realise that none of the ingenious currency plans they have been producing for the last few decades will give them the whip hand over Germany they so desire .

    但终有一天,他们的领导人会意识到,过去几十年,他们设计的所有天才货币计划,都不会让他们 如愿以偿的凌驾于德国之上。

  • You don 't see a horse on the stage but a whip in the hand of the actor and several actors stand in a line representing a whole army .

    比如,演员 手里 挥舞 马鞭就代表马在 飞奔,而几个演员站成一排就代表了整个军队。

  • With a whip in his hand the foreman violently laced into him .

    工头 皮鞭狠狠地 他。

  • Socialist core value system gets the whip hand in all social value goals and plays a decisive role in building firm social morality .

    社会主义核心价值体系在所有社会价值目标中处于 统领 支配 地位,对 筑牢社会道德基础起决定性作用。

  • These days the shopper has the whip hand and will not buy if stores fail to lower their prices .

    如今 购物者主导 地位,如果商店不降价,他们是不会买的。

  • The new captain soon got the whip hand over the crew .

    新船长很快 全体水手 控制 了。

  • Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist .

    他们因对手权柄 在握,反抗也没用。

  • With a whip in hand he trained the monkeys strictly .


  • The father threatened to teach his shameful son a good lesson raising the whip in his hand .

    父亲 一边威胁着要教训他不争气的儿子, 一边举起了 手中 鞭子

  • A young woman led the elder tiger into the court with a whip in hand .

    只见一个妙龄女郎 手持 鞭子领着虎兄步入场地。