wind screen

[wɪnd skrin][wind skri:n]


  • Besides we had established the wind protective screen model made use of the soft Fluent to make the numerical simulation for the wind screen defense program and gave the research direction of the further task .

    建立了风幕防护模型,利用计算流体力学软件Fluent针对导电纤维弹的 防护方案进行数值模拟,提出了下步工作的研究方向。

  • Outside the window the wind was whistling and blowing against the bamboo screen so that it tapped against the glass .

    在窗外呼啸。 又吹那窗前的竹 帘子,拍拍地打着窗。

  • At the same time the Hall sensor is used to measure the speed of the wind wheel which is displayed on the screen .

    与此同时,系统中采用霍尔传感器作为转速传感器,利用单片机对 轮的转速进行监测并 显示

  • When in use water passes through the water opening below the light wind screen thereby providing function of blocking air and passing water .

    使用时水从轻质 挡风 下面的过水口通过,起到隔断风流让水流通过的作用。

  • Taking an engineering example a sinusoidal graph showing how the wind speed changes with time has been plotted on the screen of computer .

    以工程实际为例,在 显示器 画出实时的跟踪 风速随时间变化的正弦曲线图。

  • It seemed inevitable that one day a simpsons movie would wind up on the silver screen .

    这是一个不可避免的事实,总有一天辛普森系列的电影会被 银屏

  • The rain protection wind-screen coating developed can rapidly form a highly transparent and water repellent strong film on the wind - screen of automobiles .

    研制的防雨涂料能在汽车 风挡玻璃表面迅速形成一层肉眼看不见的疏水性极强、透明度很高的牢固薄膜。

  • Disclosed is a timing device for opening coal stove door comprising a furnace door wind screen ( 5 ) and a connecting rod raising mechanism .

    一种家用煤炉定时开门装置。本开门装置由炉门 挡风 (5)及连杆提升机构组成。

  • To disable the power meter map and the wind speed indicator press and hold ( 2 ) then make a selection at the Select a Course screen .

    在选择场地的时候,按住2键,然后选择,可以让地图,标尺和 风速消失

  • Just then a sudden gust of wind lifted the bamboo screen outside the window and banged it against the eaves .

    这时窗外一 阵风突然卷起了那竹 帘子,拍的一声,直撩上了屋檐去了。

  • Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away . A screen for protection against the wind .

    防护 的作用就是防止 把土壤吹走。

  • By FLUENT hydro-simulation soft the wind flowing in the gob area is simulated and further analysis and validation is made about the mechanism of gas effusing and its prevention by air screen .

    并通过FLUENT流体模拟软件,对采空区 风流流动进行模拟,进一步对上隅角瓦斯涌出和空气 防治上隅角瓦斯涌出的机理进行分析和验证。

  • Intuitive access the characteristics of the air flow of this system through the analysis of the wind screen of dust removal system Merry flow analysis Dust-collecting and dedusting system with air curtain and numerical simulation with Fluent software .

    通过对 集尘除尘系统风流流场的分析及用Fluent软件进行的数值模拟,直观的获得了此系统风流流场特征。