window class

[ˈwɪndo klæs][ˈwindəu klɑ:s]

[计] 窗口类

  • A DYNAMIC CUT ALGORITHM FOR COLOR QUANTIZATION The Research into Dynamic Splitter Window of Microsoft Foundation Class

    一种动态切分的颜色量化算法 MFC动态切分 窗口机理剖析

  • Select the Source tab of the edit window to view the useBean tags that were generated when you dropped the content spot class files in the JSP .

    选择编辑 窗口的Source选项卡以查看在您把内容点 文件放置到JSP中时生成的useBean标记。

  • A : Would you like ( a window or an aisle seat / smoking or non-smoking / first or business class )? B : An aisle / window seat .

    你想要一个( 还是靠过道的座位/吸烟还是非吸烟区/头等舱还是经济 )的座位?

  • If a message needs further processing it is sent to the original window procedure of the window class .

    如果消息需要进一步处理,则将其发送到 窗口 的原始窗口过程。

  • If you are working in the document styles window select an element a class or an element id and then choose the build style icon .

    如果正在使用“文档样式 窗口,可以选择“元素”、“ ”或“元素id”,然后选择“生成样式”图标。

  • Right-click again anywhere in the window and then create a class .

    在这个 中的任何地方再次点击鼠标右键,然后创建一个

  • Martin Fowler describes it as : Putting all presentation state and behavior for a window in a single class .

    MartinFowler的回答是:将一个 窗口所有的表现状态和行为都放在一个

  • All in all we will create a standard framework for the application of the window and force it to use a custom view class .

    总而言之,我们将创建一个标准的框架 窗口的应用,并迫使它使用自定义的视图

  • All kinds of operations of window metafile were realized with C metaFile DC class encapsulated in MFC .

    利用MFC中已经封装好的 CmetaFileDC能实现该图元文件的各种操作。

  • REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER ( EBL ) RELAY He go on reading after class .

    后窗雨刷(EBL)继电器 下课后他继续读书。

  • If an application consists of three windows ( for example a login window a text-viewing window and a file-viewing window ) each is typically represented by a different Activity class .

    如果一个应用程序由3个窗口(例如,一个登录窗口、一个文本查看窗口和一个文件查看 窗口)组成,那么每一个窗口通常用一个不同的Activity 来表示。

  • A window class defines the attributes of a window such as its style its icon its cursor the name of the menu and the name of the window procedure .

    这个 窗口 定义了一个窗口的属性,例如它的风格、标、标指针、单名与窗口过程的名称。

  • Typically code like this doesn 't display a window but can use the NotificationManager class to alert the user that something needs attention .

    通常,这类代码不显示 窗口,但可以使用NotificationManager 来提醒用户需要注意某事。

  • To support design of user interface of 〈 Railway way station CAD system 〉 We designed a graphical window class .

    为支持〈铁路中间站场CAD系统〉用户界面的设计,我们设计了图形 窗口 win-dow。

  • As described above you must create a View NIB file and view controller for each application window to associate any view to the correct view controller class .

    如之前所述,您必须为每一个应用程序 窗口创建一个视图NIB文件和视图控制器,并将视图关联到正确的视图控制器 上。

  • Application of Broken - window Theory in Class Management

    理论在 班级管理中的运用

  • In this essay Broken - window Theory is used to illustrate that in class management teachers should check erroneous ideas at the outset create a favorable atmosphere for students thus fostering the students ' sound moral qualities .

    本文通过介绍破 理论的原理,阐明在 班级管理中应注意防微杜渐,营造良好的环境氛围,从而培养学生健康的人格。

  • The window style or class attribute is invalid for this operation .

    窗口样式或 类别属性对此操作无效。

  • The window that opens asks you which fields you want to include when the hashCode () and equals () methods are called on your class .

    打开的 窗口将询问您在 中调用hashCode()和equals()方法时需要包括哪些字段。

  • To create a Java class from the UML click New class on the toolbar at the top of the class diagram window third button from the left and click on the class diagram .

    要从UML创建Java类,请单击类图 窗口顶部工具栏上的“Newclass”按钮,即左起第三个按钮,然后单击 类图

  • PDT will also pop up a code completion window while you key class names .

    当输入 类名时,PDT也会弹出代码补全 窗口

  • The Design of General Report Window Class in MIS

    管理信息系统通用报表 窗口 的设计

  • He was always looking out of the window in class .

    上课时,他总是朝 窗外张望。

  • Error registering main window class application cannot run .

    注册主 窗口 类别出错,应用程序无法运行。

  • In a nutshell we will be creating a standard frame window application and force it to use a custom view class .

    概括起来说,我们将创建一个标准的框架 窗口程序,并在其中使用定制的视图 类型

  • Design of the Window Class in the DOS Graphics Mode

    DOS图形环境下 窗口 的设计

  • If there are non-alphanumeric characters such as spaces or punctuation marks in your window message or window class name you can put the message or name in single quotes .

    如果窗口消息或 窗口 类名中存在非数字字母字符,如空格或标点符号,可将消息或名称用单引号括起来。

  • Posts a window message to a window class .

    将窗口消息发布到 窗口

  • For every window in the hierarchy you can view its properties like handle class name caption size position and more .

    对于每一个层次结构中的 窗口,可以查看其属性,如手柄, 类名,标题,大小,位置等等。