


  • The Shetland Islands ' rolling green hills treeless and windswept have a tranquillity that can 't be explained .

    设得兰群岛绿色的山峦绵延起伏,山上没有树木,并 大风 侵袭,但却拥有一种难以 的静谧。

  • N May 2004 a queue of barges began forming in a windswept corner of the port of Antwerp .

    2004年5月,比利时安特卫普港一个 大风的角落开始出现一个驳船长队。

  • Copenhagen might be one of Europe 's most charming capitals but Denmark chose to hold the conference in a windowless convention hall in a windswept suburban wasteland barricaded from the outside world by high fences and concrete road blocks .

    哥本哈根或许是欧洲最迷人的首都之一,但丹麦选择了在郊区 荒地上一 没有窗户的会议厅举行会议。高高的栅栏和水泥路障将会场与外界隔离。

  • Local authorities in the Pescadores a windswept archipelago in the Taiwan Strait that relies on fishery and tourism have fiercely lobbied the central government for years .

    多年来, 澎湖列岛当地政府一直向台湾中央政府大力游说。澎湖列岛是台湾海峡中的一个群岛,当地经济依赖渔业和旅游业。

  • We stand on a lonely windswept point on the northern shore of France .

    我们站在法国北部海岸孤零零 迎风 而立的顶端。

  • It is a strange and desolate place . The most striking features in this bleak and windswept landscape are the hundreds of giant stone statues known as moai thought to be carved in the likeness of chiefs or ancestors .

    这是一个奇特且荒凉的地方,而在这片 暴露 荒野上最显著的特征就是数百座被称为 摩艾的巨型石像,应该是照着酋长或是祖先的样子雕刻的。

  • The landscape was windswept and bare .

    土地 光秃秃的。

  • The dry windswept peninsula has few of the resources to support the fabled resorts and ports for which it is valued .

    干燥、 大风 肆虐 克里米亚半岛资源稀少,无法提供该 地区作为度假胜地和港口所必需的资源。

  • But even in the bitter windswept bleakness of a Scottish beach a helping hand is never far away . Sealed with a kiss a young grey seal is seen nurturing her newborn baby through the first few days of its life .

    然而尽管 身陷艰苦,在苏格兰海滩上帮助之手也从未远离。一只年轻的海豹正宠爱地呵护着它刚出生不久的幼崽。

  • The windswept ice of Victoria Land in Antarctica stretches for hundreds of desolate miles .

    在南极洲的维多利亚陆地, 的冰雪绵延达数百英里的荒凉 地区

  • But far from meeting human needs the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services .

    但是里人类需要还很远,新的房产经常被 曝光缺乏基本的群居条件及服务。

  • On windswept outposts people live in tents but in the most sheltered regions they have stout resilient cottages .


  • By 1908 he had flattened the windswept trees to the boundary between the second and third dimensions .

    到了1908年,他的 画笔抚平了 轻风 的树林, 模糊了二维与三维的界限。

  • The wild is more than just an expanse of tangled forests stagnant swamps and windswept plains .

    荒野不仅仅是宽广纠结的森林、滞淤塞的沼泽和 暴风 肆虐的平原。

  • The court clay had COME through its first winter pitted and windswept bare of redcoat .

    球场上的粘土经过第一个冬天以后,变得 坑坑洼洼,表面的红土都给风刮去了。

  • They camped on a windswept Kansas divide .

    他们在 堪萨斯 的分水岭上露营。

  • We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of portugal .

    我们开车前往葡萄牙 大风的大西洋海岸。