




  • He didn 't sleep a wink all night

    一夜 合眼

  • Nancy gave me a big wink as I came in .

    我进来时,南希使劲向我使了个 眼色

  • It 's all right Hugh tipped me the wink ; he 's decided not to sell today .

    行,休给了我一个 暗号,他已经决定今天不卖货了。

  • I can 't tell you what it is yet he says with a wink .

    我现在还不能告诉你它是什么,他 一边说着, 一边 眼睛

  • You can 't wink at what he did .

    你不能 他的 行为 视而不见哪。

  • ' I don 't think we can go Dick ' said he with a wink to his companion .

    我想我们去不了了,迭克,他对他的伙伴 了个 眼色说。

  • I can 't stand Dad 's snoring anymore mom . I didn 't sleep a wink last night .

    妈,我再也忍受不了老爸的 鼾声了.我昨晚整夜都没

  • I wink at you ?

    我在 眼睛,你呢?

  • And then God help me I wink .

    接着,鬼使神差,我 一下

  • The satellite disappeared in a wink .


  • I did not wink at you .

    我没有 眨眼

  • Without exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink .

    可以毫不夸大地说,我几乎没有 过眼

  • A nod 's as good as a wink she was sacked for incompetence .

    不用多说,她因不 称职而被解雇。

  • From the hotel window they could see lights winking on the bay .

    透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾 一带灯光 摇曳

  • A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse .

    对瞎马点头 眨眼 是一样。

  • I 'll tip you the wink when it 's safe to come in .

    可以安全进来时,我会向你 使 眼色的。

  • Brian winked at his bride-to-be

    布赖恩 他的准新娘 使 眼色

  • We could not sleep a wink last night because of noise .

    因为太吵,昨晚我们 一点儿也没睡。

  • He smiled winked and nodded giving his seal of approval .

    他笑了, 使 眼色,然后点点头表示同意。

  • He gave me a sly wink .

    他偷偷地给我使了个 眼色

  • I didn 't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane .

    我在飞机上没 一下

  • Thought you saw me wink no I ve been on the brink so .

    希望你对我 眨眼,不,我一直在边缘地带,所以。

  • You can now reap the benefits of using Wink with a Dojo-based GUI .

    您现在可以从含有一个基于Dojo的GUI的 Wink的使用中获益了。

  • I 've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times but before you took the hint others had already noticed .

    我多次向你 使 眼色,又给你 暗号,别人都明白了,你却没有反应。

  • I 'm so excited that the night after I got the call I didn 't sleep a wink .

    我在我得到了我没有睡觉 眨眼的呼叫夜晚之后是如此的兴奋以致于。

  • She didn 't get a wink of sleep all night .

    她一夜 未尝 合眼

  • If you see me doing anything wrong just remind me by a wink will you ?

    如果你看到我做错了什么事,就 眨眼提醒我,好吗?

  • Wink is a framework you can use for REST development .


  • I just do recall giving you a wink .

    我刚才想起我的确向你使了一个 眼色