window image

[ˈwɪndo ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈwindəu ˈimidʒ]

[医] 窗影

  • Waterfront of city is the most important open space in city . What'more it is the window of city 's image .

    城市滨水区是城市中最重要的开放空间,是城市 形象 窗口

  • As an important place of entertainment landscape viewing and social interaction in the life of urban residents and the window to display image of the city coastal park plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of urban culture .

    滨海公园作为城市居民生活中重要的休闲娱乐、观赏与社会交往的场所和展示城市 形象 窗口,在提升城市文化品位方面发挥举足轻重的作用。

  • Generally water area is an important window for the image of the city the landscape design and research more mature .

    通常,沿江风光带是反映城市 形象的一个重要 窗口,景观设计和研究也较成熟。

  • There is increasing noise in low-dose mediastina window image .

    低剂量CT纵隔 图像噪声较重。

  • Analyze the space correlation in the single differential image : sample the wavelet coefficients with window and segment the image into the equal blocks .

    分析单幅差分图像的空间相关性:使用采样 窗口对单幅差分图像的小波域采样并将 图像分割成若干个均匀分布的小块。

  • A novel method for detecting the window glass dirty image based on the wavelet histogram is presented .

    本文提出 玻璃污迹的 直方图小波包检测方法。

  • Using a window slide on the infrared image the fractal dimension of the window can be calculated and denoted as the fractal dimension of the center pixel of the window . Construct an image using the fractal dimension of each pixel .

    用滑动窗口在红外图像上滑动,根据分形布朗运动计算出窗口分维作为该 窗口中心像素的分维,这样就可以计算出 图像每一像素的分形分维,并以此为元素构造成分维

  • Store display is the main window shows the corporate image so it is need to consider the unification of color style and theme .

    卖场陈列是整个卖场陈列的融缩体,是企业 形象的主 窗口,所以需要考虑色系、风格、主题的统一。

  • It integrates the speediness of small window reptile and the veracity of big window reptile and presents a new reptile method with memory and alterable window for image boundary tracing .

    综合小窗口爬虫的快速性和大窗口爬虫的准确性提出了一种有记忆的变 爬虫边界跟踪方法。

  • The main feature function of image processing consist of setting a grey window area for digital image compression extration of object in motion calculation of motion vector follow-up motion object and decision form resemblance .

    该图象处理主要特征功能包括压缩数字 图象的灰度 窗口设置,运动目标的抽取,形态相似性判决和运动目标的跟踪。

  • In recent years as industry competition intensifies the window image of the businesses concerned about rising how to solve the window counters in the queue phenomenon became an important basis for the level of service .

    近年来,随着行业竞争的加剧,各行各业对 窗口 形象的关注日渐提高,如何解决窗口柜台中的排队现象成为衡量服务水平的重要依据。

  • Multi-slice spiral CT coronary angiography : influence of heart rate on reconstruction window and image quality

    多层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影:心率对最佳重建相位 图像质量的影响

  • Best estimate of gradient ( BEG ) algorithm was proposed which is used for extracting the feature parameters of texture gradient of local window in fingerprint image . And it calculated the frequency parameters in the local window at the same time .

    提出了最优梯度估计算法,用于提取指纹 图像局部 窗口中的纹理梯度特征参数,并在此局部窗口内计算出相应的频率参数。

  • In developing heavy haul train operation simulator window image is provided by laser vision player and this is effective way because of its flexible search easy control and high quality image .

    在重载列车运行仿真器中,利用激光视盘 放送机所具有的易检索、易控制、图象质量高的特点来提供逼真的视景 图象,是目前最为有效的方法。

  • The functions of the software include image input image access platform window management image geometric processing AOL function LOI function and digital image processing .

    软件的功能包括图像输入、图像存取、平台 窗口管理、 图像几何处理、AOI操作、LOI操作和数字图像处理。

  • Lightening the Passages of Searching the Life Existence & An Analysis of the Mirror and Window Image in Xiao Hong ' Novels

    探照生命存在的通道&论萧红小说的镜 意象

  • By using linear model established between relative displacement of window image and projection sequence the fast mapping location is performed . Two combinatory fine location approaches are presented .

    利用 窗口 图象的相对位移与投影序列之间的线性模型进行了快速映射定位,提出了两种组合精定位方法。

  • This prototype system can provide some practical assistant functions for diagnosis of breast cancer such as window transformation image enhancement and distance measurement .

    该系统提供了部分的实用性乳腺癌诊断的辅助功能,如 图像的调 处理、增强显示和 图像的测距等等。

  • Utilizing the statistical information in a local window of the image each pixel is classified roughly to be signal pixel possible positive noise pixel and possible negative noise pixel and the noise labeling matrix is built .

    利用局部统计信息,首先将 图像 像素点粗分为信号点、可能的正噪声点和可能的负噪声点3类,建立噪声标矩阵;

  • First dropout is removed according to intensity image mean in 3 × 3 window and whole image mean . Then outlier is removed by using multilevel median filter .

    首先利用强度像3×3 邻域均值和 图像平均值消除失落信息影响,然后采用多级中值滤波消除逸出值。

  • Landscape project work as an important window of government image the construction quality related to urban pleasing environment .

    园林绿化工程作为政府工作 形象的重要 窗口,施工质量关系到城市赏心悦目环境的营造。

  • Enabled a frame display in trimmed images in main window or edit image window .

    不论在主 视窗或编辑 视窗中,都支援以框架方式显示裁切过的图案。

  • A Reptile Method with Memory and Alterable Window for Image Boundary Tracing

    一种有记忆的变 爬虫 图像边界跟踪方法

  • Conclusion The patient group management service levels improve and standardize the language of nursing behavior and establish a good window professional image .

    结论门诊分组管理有效提高护理人员服务水准和规范语言行为,树立了良好的 窗口、职业 形象

  • Multiple - window Processing of SAR Image with Speckle-smoothing and Edge-preserving

    SAR 图像保留边缘多 窗口相干斑滤除方法

  • The paper presents the characteristics measuring data processing development of processing system its working principle design features and application of image window technology in the image identification system .

    本文阐述了该试验室响应围裙特性测试及数据处理、分析系统中非接触式IP-85动态图象处理系统的研制概况、工作原理、设计特点、图象 开窗技术及其在响应 围裙 图象识别研究中的应用。

  • Real-time Window Enhancement Method for Image of Uncooled Thermal Sight

    非制冷热瞄具 图像实时 开窗增强方法研究

  • Urban road is the framework of a city and the urban road landscape is an important window showing the city image .

    城市街道是城市的框架,城市道路景观是城市对外景观 形象的重要展示 窗口,通过城市道路景观来塑造具有独特魅力的城市景观已经不失为一种有效手段。

  • The impact of window size upon SAR image filtering

    窗口大小对SAR 图像滤波效果的影响分析

  • Objective : To evaluate optimal window of image reconstruction within the RR interval for the coronary arteries .

    目的:评价双扇区 图像重建算法的相位 优选。