weed killer

[wid ˈkɪlɚ][wi:d ˈkɪlə]


  • Moreover using single weed killer in farmland for a long term often causes the changes of crops and the weed communities and brings about new problems for control weeds .

    而且由于农田中长期单一使用某类 除草剂,引起了农田作物和杂草群落中杂草组合的变化,给杂草防除工作带来了新的问题。

  • You need a selective weed killer that won 't damage your garden flowers .

    你需要一种精选的 除草剂,不会伤害你花园的花。

  • Transgenic canola plants in North Dakota had received genes making them resistant to herbicides such as the weed killer Roundup .

    种植于北达科他州的转基因油菜中植入了抗除草剂基因,使之对 农达等除草剂产生抗性。

  • Research on Analytical Method of Binary Complex Weed Killer Butachlor and 2 4-D Butylate

    二元复配 除草剂丁滴乳油的分析方法研究

  • THE EXPERIMENT ON CONTROLLING LYSIMACHIA FORTUNEI BY CHEMICAL WEED KILLER ( 1990 ) Studies on the chemical weed - killer in the lily plants

    化学 防除 星宿菜试验(1990年)百合田杂草的化学防治

  • Study on Applied Technique of Chemical Weed Killer in Forestry Nursery

    林业苗圃化学 除草剂应用技术研究

  • Effects of the Chemical Weed Killer on Weeds in Maize Fields

    玉米地化学 除草 药效试验