wipe away

[waɪp əˈwe][waip əˈwei]


  • Doesn 't wipe away a lipstick smudge in the presence of the woman who planted it on him .

    不会当着女人的面 擦掉她留在他脸上的唇印,而是把它当成一种荣幸而留着它,即使时间很短。

  • There is no way to wipe away your tears ;

    没有办法 抹去你的眼泪;

  • Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon ?

    是谁给了我们海绵抹布, 抹去 整条地平线的?

  • Even cleaning the lens in the wrong way can wipe away special coatings and increase the chances of a scratch .

    如果用错误的方法清洁镜头,即使能 特别的 层,也增加了一道刮擦的机会。

  • She used a wad of tissues to wipe away the blood .

    她用一叠薄纸 血迹。

  • There in heaven God will wipe away every tear .

    在天堂,上帝会为我们 每一滴眼泪。

  • Make it a habit to clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch to wipe away anti-rust compounds in the gun each time immediately before you shoot it .

    应该养成一个习惯,那就是在每次射击前用通条、枪布 去枪内的防锈油。

  • Now wipe away the circle on the paper .

    现在 纸上的圆。

  • You know how to fill me with sweet joy and wipe away all my worries .

    你知道怎样用甜蜜的快乐充盈我,如何 扫去我心头的阴云。

  • This will make it easier to wipe away any dirt using the vinegar .

    这样,再用醋来 清理污垢会更容易一些。

  • If I have caused just one person to wipe away his tear that 's my reward .

    哪怕我只能让一个人 眼泪,那就是我得到的报答。

  • Time cannot wipe away the sadness and heartache but there was never regret .

    时间 洗刷不了悲伤与心酸,但是永远不会存在后悔。

  • Wipe away your tears ; we shall be meeting again .

    把眼泪 ,我们还会见面的。

  • If you feel tired from walking would you like me to keep you company for a while and help wipe away the tears on your face and your inexplicable sadness ?

    如果你走的太累,需不需要我陪你一会,陪你 擦干脸上的泪,和你莫名的伤悲。

  • How I would love to be able to hold my kids wipe away their tears share their dreams or just to watch them play .

    我多想能抱起我的孩子, 擦干他们的眼泪,分享他们的梦想,或是仅仅看着他们玩耍就满足了。

  • I cannot but wipe away my tears and change the tune of my song .

    我只能 拭去眼泪,更改我歌曲的腔调。

  • They wipe away tears that I cry .

    它们 擦干我哭泣的眼泪。

  • He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin


  • They regard Mr Obama as a transformational leader & a man who can with one sweep of his hand wipe away the sins of the Bush years and summon up the best in their country .

    他们把奥巴马看作是一位“变革的”的领导人,挥一挥手,他就可以 布什当政时的罪恶 一扫而光,可以唤起这个国家最美好的部分。

  • You 're not alone for I I am here let me wipe away your every fear * oh yeah .

    你并不孤单,因为我在这里,让我 擦干你所有的 眼泪

  • The boom has help wipe away the stigma of one-euro stores as consumers rich and poor find virtue in landing a bargain .

    一欧元店的繁荣帮助 消除 其带来的耻辱感,因为消费者(无论穷富)都发现了购买廉价商品的好处。

  • Wash the cans with soap and water and brush or wipe away dirt .

    可以的话用热水和能 安全饮用的水 冲洗

  • Li-ma drew a loud sigh and pulled out her large greasy dark blue handkerchief as always to wipe away a few tears .

    李妈长叹了一声,依旧 怀里摸出那一条还带着油渍的大成蓝的手巾, 一拭眼泪。

  • Xiong seize a mouse butt wipe away !

    熊一把抓住老鼠 擦擦屁股

  • I wipe away my tears turn back give your sweet smile as I am woman .


  • Wipe away the evil thoughts from your mind .


  • Yea from the table of my memory I 'll wipe away all trivial fond records .

    从我的记忆里,我会 所有琐碎的记录。

  • If a baby has swallowed a poisonous chemical wipe away any excess from the skin and give him sips of water or milk to drink .

    如果宝宝已吞食有毒化学药品,则应 清除 干净皮肤上的任何残留物并给他喝几口水或者牛奶。