window function

[ˈwɪndo ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈwindəu ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • System front intercept probability is analyzed mainly according to window function and probability theory .

    主要从 窗口 函数和概率论两方面分析了系统的前端截获概率。

  • For getting better filter performance we design quadrature mirror filter banks using window function method .

    本文为了得到较好的滤波器特性,选择用 函数法设计了两通道正交镜像滤波器组。

  • The cosine window function is introduced and applied in the plane wave synthesis technique .

    本文介绍了余弦 函数,并将其应用到平面波综合技术中。

  • If the app doesn 't want to do anything special for this ID it returns NULL and the window function senses this and news up the appropriate default object .

    如果程序不需要这个ID,则返回NULL, 窗口 函数根据返回值创建恰当的默认对象。

  • Proposed algorithm can be applied to any window function with central symmetry .

    所提出的方法适用于任何形式的对称 函数

  • Window Function Integer Approximation Method of Phase Shifting Algorithms in Phase Shifting Technique

    移相术中相移算法的 函数整数近似方法分析

  • Application of the Cosine Window Function in the Plane Wave Synthesis Technique

    余弦窗 函数在平面波综合技术中的应用

  • The filter is designed and simulated by window function and equivalent ripple manner on MATLAB .

    在MATLAB环境下分别使用 函数法、等波纹法设计了滤波器并对其进行了仿真。

  • A local interaction field consists of a usual error term and a window function .

    局部相互作用场包括通常的误差项和一 窗口 函数

  • FIR digital filter is programmed with window function method in the filter module and the thread design method is used to process data which improves the system real-time .

    在滤波器模块程序设计中,采用 函数法,用软件编写了FIR数字滤波程序,实现数字滤波功能,并把线程设计方法应用于数据处理,提高了系统实时性;

  • The FIR Hilbert digital filter is designed by using the window function method and the ripple Chebyshev method .

    采用 函数法和等波纹切比雪夫法设计了FIR型Hilbert数字滤波器;

  • The system solves the problems of the traditional on line analysis method such as the window function and energy leak and promote fault recognition rate .

    这个系统将最大熵谱分析方法应用于在线监测分析中,解决了传统在线分析方法的 函数和能量泄漏等问题,提高了分析过程的故障识别率。

  • By using Haimming window after analyzing some kinds of filtering window function and the figure of filtering result is given .

    在分析了各种滤波之后,我们决定选用海明 ,并且给出了滤波效果图形。

  • Master window function with the FIR digital filter design theory and methods .

    掌握用上述 函数法设计FIR数字滤波器的原理和方法。

  • The Experience of Learning Window Function Designing FIR Digital Filter

    浅谈学习 函数法设计FIR数字滤波器体会

  • In this paper we advance an efficient algorithm of electromagnetic spatial dyadic Green 's function in a horizontal-layered anisotropic medium through high order window function and so on .

    将高阶叠层 矢量函数及最大正交高阶矢量基函数应用于电磁场积分 方程方法,提出将阻抗矩阵按稀疏阵处理的方法。

  • SPICE simulations show that a good Gauss window function and a Marr wavelet can be generated by the circuits ;

    SPICE仿真结果表明,电路可产生良好的Gauss 函数和Marr小波;

  • Influence of Window Function on The Estimation Precision of Traditional Power Spectrum


  • Using mixed window function and subband spectrum centroid in MFCC feature extraction process

    混合 函数和子带频谱质心在MFCC特征提取过程中的应用

  • Because of the variety of window functios and the complicated spectrum formulas of most window function the rectifying technique by using the wave pattern of the window spectrum is limited .

    仿真结果表明窗谱图形峰值搜寻校正方法同样可达到 谱公式校正方法的精度。

  • The window function generation approximation and differential are realized by circuits .

    所设计的电路可实现小波 函数的产生、逼近和二次微分。

  • The principle and window function of GST are deeply studied .

    本文首先分析研究了广义S变换方法原理,进而对其 函数进行了深入分析研究。

  • On the basis of a new piece-wise liner model based on a rectangular window function in time domain .

    采用线性模型介绍了一种基于时域矩形 函数的线性分段函数的模型。

  • One is single-cone sampling tomosynthesis which corresponds to the zero order Bessel window function .

    一种是以零阶贝塞尔函数为 函数,采用单个的采样园锥。

  • Window Fourier transformation can only obtain a limited time / space-frequency resolution because window function is fixed .

    由于窗口傅立叶变换的 函数是固定的,它只提供了有限的时(空)频分辨率。

  • Design approach of FIR filter based on immune algorithm and Window function

    基于免疫算法和 函数的FIR滤波器设计

  • Considering the characteristics of the processing of aerial gravimetry data a FIR digital filter based on the window function is designed .

    针对航空重力测量数据事后处理的特点,基于 函数法设计了FIR数字滤波器。

  • The Analysis of the Best Window Function Based on PSWF

    基于椭圆球面波函数的最佳 函数分析

  • At the same time system-specific calls pop-up window function facilitates patients counsel station information through telephone and exchanges platform under specific circumstances .

    同时系统特有的来电弹 功能,方便患者通过电话咨询台位信息及在特定情况下调换台位。

  • The window functions of radar system and reconnaissance system in time domain 、 airspace domain and frequency domain are introduced and their influence on intercept probability is analyzed . And the period of window function 's influence on intercept probability is also discussed .

    给出了雷达系统和侦察系统在时域、空域、频域的窗口函数,并就它们对截获概率的影响进行了分析,讨论了 窗口 函数周期对截获概率的影响。