


  • Gonna be sealant the windshield 's been replaced .

    这是密封剂, 挡风 玻璃 重装了。

  • Got a hit on the windshield ?

    挡风 玻璃 有发现了?

  • The victim only hit the windshield .

    死者只是撞了一下 挡风 玻璃

  • I found my car doors heavily scratched and all my tires cut with a note on my windshield .

    我发现我的车的门被划得一团糟,所有的 车胎都被扎了。

  • Next this might be a good time to add the seat and windshield .

    接下来,把坐椅和 挡风 玻璃 安装 上去

  • You borrow my car bring it back with no windshield .

    你借我的车,送回来的时候没有 挡风 玻璃

  • Photometric characteristics of front fog lamps for motor vehicles removes mist from the windshield of a car .

    GB4660-1994汽车前雾灯配光性能从汽车的 挡风 玻璃 除去雾的装置。

  • The Full Windshield Kit is the professionals'choice when maximum isolation from wind and handling noise is required .

    挡风 玻璃包是专业人士的选择时,从风和处理噪音最大的隔离是必需的。

  • Both the interface and the windshield can exist in the car with or without the RSW .

    不管是否存在RSW,汽车中都可以有接口和 风挡

  • The windshield wiper blade on the driver 's side quit while driving in a blinding storm .

    在一场倾盆大雨中我开着车,突然驾驶座这一侧的 雨刷胶皮坏了。

  • Adjust windshield glass position until it is aligned with the flanges and adhesive .

    调整 挡风玻璃位置直至与凸缘和粘结剂对准。

  • Is this blood up here on your windshield ?

    挡风 玻璃 的是血?

  • There was a parking ticket under the windshield wiper .

    汽车 挡风 玻璃刮水器下有一张违章停车罚款的通知单。

  • The modelling and analytic methods for the dynamic response of windshield transparency under bird impact are studied .

    本文研究了 风挡透明 鸟撞动力响应的分析模型和方法。

  • You might want to turn on the windshield wipers .

    你可能需要打开 雨刷器。

  • They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh .

    他们驱车回家,一 路上 挡风 玻璃 的雨刮器不停地呼呼刮着。

  • If the sensor and windshield are compatible then the test case is successful .

    如果传感器和 挡风 玻璃是相互兼容的,那么测试是成功的。

  • The bullet shattered the car windshield .

    子弹把汽车的 挡风 玻璃击得粉碎。

  • Rain drummed against the windshield ; The drums beat all night .

    雨水敲打着 挡风 玻璃;这面鼓敲打了一晚上。

  • The windshield wipers swished back and forth monotonously .

    挡风 玻璃 雨刷单调地来回摆动,发出飕飕声。

  • The windshield wipers clacked back and forth

    挡风 玻璃 的雨刷咔嗒咔嗒来回摆动。

  • The seats and the windshield went in yesterday .

    座椅和 挡风 玻璃是昨天 的。

  • He wiped away the grease from the windshield of the car .

    他擦去了汽车 挡风 玻璃 的油渍。

  • Windshield wiper and washer

    挡风 玻璃雨刷和清洗器

  • Turn on the windshield wipers it 's raining .

    打开自动 器,开始下雨了。

  • He brushed the snow off the windshield .

    他刮掉了 挡风 玻璃 的雪。

  • God rest his soul went straight through the windshield .

    上帝让他安息了,直接穿过了 挡风 玻璃

  • Three external systems are considered : the wiper interface the windshield and the car electrical system .

    需考虑三种外部系统:雨刷器接口, 挡风 玻璃,和汽车电子系统。

  • I sat inside for a while just staring out the windshield blankly .

    我坐在里面的同时,只要盯着 挡风 玻璃 了茫然。