



  • And here 's the windup and the pitch .

    又是 一击 投球

  • The Religionary Rootstock about Windup of the Chinese Ancient Science and Technology

    论中国古代科学技术的 终结之宗教根源

  • A novel dynamic feedback compensation design was proposed for anti - windup .

    非线性环节 嵌入 线性 控制器 互质 因子中,提出了一种基于 线性 矩阵 不等式(LMI)的动态反馈抗 饱和补偿设计方法。

  • The Japs can 't even make a windup toy .

    日本连 发条玩具都做不出。

  • Loewen ( 5-5 ) does not have a quirky windup but he certainly has New York 's number .

    罗文(五胜五败) 投球 准备 动作并无怪异之处,但他的确对洋基有一套。

  • When he told me I thought it was a windup .

    他告诉我时以为他 了。

  • The former produces two types : traditional Anti - reset windup and conditional technique .

    线性 结构 算法 产生两种主要类型:传统的 Anti-reset Windup和条件作用。

  • Design and Application of an Anti - Windup State Feedback Controller

    漂移的状态反馈控制器设计及在 数控 系统中的应用

  • This method adopts the Two Step Design Technique makes the system satisfy the corresponding optimal design index and then improves the performance of the system . The Windup problem in the control system of an electric turntable is solved by this method .

    该方法采用两步设计技术,通过 合理 选取 滤波器 F s),使系统满足相应的最优设计指标,提高了系统的性能,有效地解决了某型电动转台伺服系统中存在的 控制器 Windup问题。

  • I enjoyed the hushed uneven ticking of a windup watch . He stood there probing its shadows tracing its lingering echoes .

    我享受着 发条钟表安静而不均的 声。他站在那观察它的阴影,追寻萦回不散的回声。

  • The improved cross limited combustion control method with rapid compensatory response function and anti windup function was used in order to overcome the shortcomings of low load following speed of normal cross limited control method .

    针对常规交叉限幅控制方法负荷跟踪速度低的缺点,采用了具有快速补偿响应功能和抗 积分 饱和功能的改进交叉限幅燃烧控制方法;

  • I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels . I enjoyed the hushed uneven ticking of a windup watch . I love handwriting .

    我沉醉于电影胶片带动转轴时那斯斯的声音和影片角落里的黑色斑点,喜欢那种上了 发条的手表在安静中发出的嘀嘀嗒嗒声,还钟情于用手写的方式来表达自我。

  • Beginning with jazz musicians and quickly spreading to other americans was an exaggerated handshake that began with a dramatic windup and the remark give me some skin man !

    另一 动作从爵士乐手开始兴起,然后很快在美国 大众中流行,即握手 动作夸张,富有戏剧性,并说:“ 哥们把手给我!”