window signal

[ˈwɪndo ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈwindəu ˈsiɡnəl]

[计] 窗口信号,触发信号

  • With the basic unfocussed compression method a fixed width rectangle window in time domain was used to process the azimuth chirp signal with a moving average and all of these were completed only using complex addition .

    方位向非聚焦压缩的原始方法是采用一个固定宽度的时域矩形 对方位向所形成的线性调频 信号进行滑动滤波,使用简单的加法操作完成方位向非聚焦压缩。

  • The basic idea of STFT transform as the method of the early time-frequency analysis is to make window processing of the signal in order to let a short signal be seen as a smooth signal ; then analyse the results by adopting Fourier transform .

    STFT变换属于早期的时频分析方法,它的基本思想是首先将 信号进行 处理, 处理后的每一小段信号可以看成是平稳信号,然后再用Fourier变换进行处理分析。

  • In addition the thesis proposed a novel thought of applying the online silding window ICA algorithm to the signal envelope detection .

    并提出了将滑动 在线ICA算法应用于 信号包络检测的新思路。

  • The method uses hardware PLL ( Phase-Locked Loop ) to synchronize the sampling window and the measured signal cycle exactly .

    采用PLL(锁相环)来实现采样 窗口与被测 信号周期的同步。

  • Meanwhile through the comparison of kinds of complexity measures it can be found that C0 complexity and approximate entropy ( ApEn ) have the weakest sensitivity to window length so it can be used for signal analysis of short length data .

    同时,通过比较各种复杂度指标发现,C0复杂度和近似熵对采样长度的敏感性 最弱,适用于短数据量的 信号分析。

  • I filtered the signal with the noise including different frequencies by the highpass filter with the function of Kaiser window researched the result the signal filtered influenced to the nature of energy spectrum .

    采用基于Kaiser 窗口函数的有限长冲击响应高通滤波器,对叠加有各种低频噪声的 信号进行滤波,研究滤波对能谱特征的影响。

  • The compression algorithm with varying window length in light of the local stationarity of the Doppler signal and the compression ratio is proposed .

    提出了根据系统压缩倍数的要求及 信号的局部平稳性,选择STFT时间 长度的可变 长的频域压缩算法,并得到其简化的二 法频域压缩算法。

  • This method includes the following steps : 1 . Obtain time polynomial of signal using cross correlation in a time-space window the polynomial determining the phase times of signal on all traces ;

    此法的第一步是在信号时-空 用多道互相关确定信号时间多项式,此多项式决定了各道的 信号相位时间;

  • Research has revealed that the choice of applicable width of window function is more important than choice of type for time-frequency signal .

    有研究表明,对于时变 信号,选取合适的 函数宽度比选择 函数类型更为重要。

  • The virtual panel and display window of the digital voice signal spectrometer is built up by using the flexible data processing function and powerful programmability of PC.

    利用PC机强大灵活的数据处理及编程能力,构造了语音 频谱分析仪的虚拟面板和显示 视窗

  • By adding a Tukey-Hanning window which can make the sidelobe dissolved and eliminate the certain high frequency interference and leakage with the correction and reduction on the basis of add Tukey-Hanning window we can get high precision track frequency shift signal parameters .

    通过加汉宁窗,能够使旁瓣互相抵消,消除一定的高频干扰和漏能,在加汉宁 的基础上进行校正还原,得到高精度的轨道移频 信号参数。

  • The quartz window and signal synchronization system were set on a two-stroke spark ignition engine and a set of shearing-interferometry and high speed photography experimental equipment which is suitable for studying combustion was established successfully .

    在一台二冲程火花点火发动机上设置石英 信号同步系统,建立了适合高速摄影的激光剪切干涉测量装置。

  • The Quasi-Synchronous Window and Its Application in the Measurement of Signal Distortion with High Accuracy

    准同步 及其在高精度 失真度测量中的应用

  • Firstly a new correlation analysis method was proposed based on calculating the variance of data in sliding window which could effectively evaluate signal fluctuation similarity of combustion characteristic frequency range .

    提出了一种基于滑动 方差的信号相关性分析方法,可以有效分析热工 信号在燃烧特征频段上的波动相似性。

  • The traditional unilateral threshold is replaced by the window threshold in signal discrimination which solves the module 's design difficulty in extra-large-signal processing and thus the rate of error-trigger and error-discrimination is much reduced .

    信号甄别的过程中,用 函数代替传统的单边甄别阈,解决了甄别电路处理超大 信号的难题,大大降低了系统的误触发和误甄别率。

  • Endogenous bFGF in Brain Ischemia : Its Expression Modulation and Exogenous bFGF : Its Optimal Administration Time Window Its Signal Transduction

    内源性bFGF在缺血性脑组织中的表达和调控及外源性bFGF的应用时间 窗口 信号转导机制

  • By analysing typical window functions the auther finds out a new window function ── Trapezium window function which fits linear FM signal time weight - ing .

    在分析典型窗函数的基础上,笔者提出了一种适合于线性调频 信号加权的新型窗函数&梯形 函数。

  • A time window matched related method is adopted in the signal processing to eliminate range ambiguity and expand the selections of signal parameters .

    信号的处理采用了时间 匹配相关处理,消除了距离模糊并扩展了信号参数的可选择范围。

  • The technique of quasi-synchronous window and its application in signal distortion measurement are introduced in this paper .

    主要介绍了准同步 方法及其在 失真度测量中的应用情况。

  • In these methods we use the optimum Wiener filtering and Window filtering deconvolution technique to process the background conductivity signal .

    包括了最佳维纳滤波反褶积与 函数滤波反褶积对于背景电导率 信号 还原的处理方法。

  • Modulation domain provides a new window for signal analysis and Modulation Domain Analysis based on it has recently become more and more necessarily in many fields because of its ability for complex signal analysis .

    调制域为人们提供了一个新的分析 信号 窗口,而在此基础上发展起来的调制域分析技术作为一种全新的复杂信号分析技术,在很多领域中已经越来越重要。

  • Thus a smooth signal and a transient signal use transform window with different length can be determined . A normal voice signal in general contains some silence the quiet part can reach 60 % ratio in the two-way conversation .

    正常语音 信号中,一般包含有静音部分,在双向交谈中 静音部分能达到60%的比例。

  • Then the Hanning window is used to smooth the signal and reduce the noise of the signal .

    接着利用Hanning 来平滑,减少了调整后 音频信号的噪音。

  • The related technical problems the dynamic measuring stability of the instrument and the setting of the sampling window directly effecting the signal trueness are discussed .

    讨论了有关的测试技术问题,特别对仪器动态测试稳定性问题进行了讨论,还对直接影响 信号真实度的采样 窗口设定问题进行了讨论。

  • The paper proposes an improved double sliding window algorithm to detect burst signal based on the feature of preamble sequence .

    在双滑动 窗口算法实现突发 通信 信号检测的基础上,利用前导码的特征对该算法进行改进。

  • By analysis the principle of wavelet wavelet transform has a variable time-frequency window the output signal filtering without delay and so on .

    通过对小波变换原理的分析,小波变换具有时频可变 信号滤波无输出延时等特点。

  • In this paper a second-order characteristic window approach to blind signal separation based on short-time stationarity of speech signals is proposed .

    利用语音 信号的短时平稳特性,提出了一种二阶特征 语音盲分离方法。

  • In this paper choice of window function is discussed and analyzed and practical signal 's feature of joint time and frequence is revealed by means of Short Time Fourier Transform .

    文中用短时傅立叶变换分析实测的引信多普勒 信号,讨论分析过程中 函数的选择,并从联合时频域提取了引信多普勒 信号的特征。